topic - Mike (2023/11/15)  [Home]

私は、マイク カールソン、回復したアルコホーリクです。

AA ・ 「経験と力と希望」グループの



」は、手渡しでも、手紙・メール・オンラインでも、伝えることができるのです。初めてパソコンを手に入れて30年、私は、「経験と力と希望」グループのメンバーでした。いつもここで、心のメッセージを見つけてきたのです。同じように、新型コロナが流行し、対面ミーティングが中止になったときでも、パソコン画面に話すことの効果に疑問はありましたが、私が持っている技術を駆使して、喜んでオンラインミーティングに参加しています。対面ミーティングでのつながりとまったく同じではありませんが、先入観や自分の考えからいったん離れて、ちょっとやってみようとしてみると、オンラインミーティングにも力があることが、ここ数年で証明されました。一人のアルコホーリクからもう一人のアルコホーリクへ、メッセージを伝える、メッセージが伝わるもう一つのやり方になりました。実際、AA が大都市ほど盛んではない、小さなまちに住んでいる私たちにとって、オンラインミーティングは、AA 共同体の一員になるために、いろいろな、必要とされる方法を提供してくれます。


今週のテーマは、「AAメッセージ」です。皆さんの経験を、ぜひ分かち合ってください。1989 年 8 月 17 日


マイク C

 1989 年 8 月 17 日
Translator : **

Mike Carlson...recovered alcoholic,

Welcome to anyone who is new or relatively new to AA or to ESH...I hope you find here what I and many others have found, a way of living which works. Congratulations to any and all celebrating an AA milestone!!!

Thanks Mark for the topic this week of:*whether and how AA’s history and evolution has related to your own recovery*

I guess that I've always been interested in history and when I got sober this time the history of AA started to become very important to me. But it turned from interest to something deeper when I hit a bottom a few years in and started to study this program and what the early members did to get and stay sober like my life depended on it...not just so I could learn but so I could do what they did and get the results they got.

What I have found in the ensuing years since then is that this "program of recovery" can be transmitted in person, through letters, email and now video meetings. I have been a member of ESH for somewhere around 30 years now, when I got my first computer and I have always found the message of the heart here. Likewise when Covid hit and F2F meetings disappeared I was willing to use the technology we have to attend video meetings... even though I was skeptical about how it could really be effective talking to my computer screen. It's been proven to me over the last few years that while it is not exactly like the connection one can make in F2F meetings, when I became willing to set aside my preconceived notions and ideas and just give myself to trying it, online AA is powerful and just another way to carry and receive the AA message one alcoholic to another. In fact for those of us who live in smaller areas where AA is not as prolific as in larger areas, Zoom meetings provide a varied and needed way to be a part of our AA community.

Of course this has just been my experience...yours may be different.

The topic this week is "The AA message"...I hope you'll share your experience with us.


Mike C


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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