Topic week of 12.3.23 - Pam (2023/12/10)  [Home]


前回(のスリップ)は、多くの面で自分に損害を与えました。もし私が「神」と呼ぶ Higher Power がなかったら、まだ絶望的な状態にいたことでしょう。ゆっくりと立ち直ってきているように感じますが、経済的なことや、感情的なことを(自分の考えで)物事を急ぐことは、これまでと同じ結果になるだけだと思います。

私は一人ではないということを思い起こさせてくれる、AA と神様にとても感謝しています。

パム・S Sober Date 2022/11/21

Translator : yu

My name is Pam and I am an alcoholic. Congratulations, Bobbie, on your sober anniversary! Sending love and hope back to you. My brain can get fixated on my mistakes and all of the digging out I have to do.

I did a lot of damage to myself in many areas this last time around. If I didn’t have a Higher Power who I call God, I would still be in a hopeless state. I feel like I’m being brought back around slowly, but trying to hurry things up financially or emotionally (my way) would just result in the same type of outcomes.

I am very grateful to AA and God for helping me remember I’m no longer alone.

Pam S. 11.21.22

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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