topic share - Lin (2023/8/5)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ


ミーティングで初めて「約束」を聞いたのは ... 酒が私に与えたのは地獄だと思った ... その数週間後でした。そして私は正しかった...それがつかの間の一時的なものであることを除いては。最初の一人が入ってから、理性を超えるまでの間に、四人の騎士が去って行く。それが酒の大きな魅力でした ... それは私の全ての恐れや、自分に対する嫌な気持ちを一瞬だけ取り去ってくれました。私は自分の問題 .... それは主に自分自身に対する感情や自分の行動に関係した問題 .... を「癒す」ために、何年も何年も酒を使いました。癒しの代償があまりにも大きくなったとき .... その厄介な結果として ... 私は別のやり方を取らざるを得ませんでした。

ミーティング会場にやって来て、少しだけドライになって自分の置かれている現実を目の当たりにして、自分の現実から抜け出すために、もう酒を使うことはできないと私は確信しました ... それで私は違うことを試してみようと思いました。そしてそのやり方が効いたのです。私が神と呼ぶ

Lin C

Translator : yu

Hello all you ESHr's. Welcome to all newbies and congradulations to those celebrating milestones this week.

My name is Lin Chamberlain and I am an alcoholic. I am sober today and by God's Grace and with your help and I have been since my first meeting on May 20, 1985. For that personal miracle I am truly grateful. Love your topic Dorothy.

The first time I heard the promises in a meeting...several weeks in... I thought Hell that's what booze did for me. And I was right...except it was fleeting and temporary. The four horsemen would go away in those moments between getting that first one in and getting beyond reason. That was the great allure of took away all my fears and bad feelings about myself for a minute. I used it for many many years to "cure" all my problems, which mainly had to do with my feelings about myself and my behaviors. When the price of the cure became too great...those pesky consequences...I had to do something else.

When I came into the rooms, and after drying out a bit and being able to see the reality of my situation, I became convinced that I could not use booze anymore to get out of my reality...then I became willing to try something different. And it worked. I saw myself do esteemable acts. I saw myself begin to look for and follow the direction of a Higher Power whom I call God. I got my instructions from others in the program, in whom I saw the program and use of the principles working. And as time passed I learned to watch and believe in the intuitive messages that come to me as well. I became convinced by my own experience that the promises are ALWAYS available to me, no mater what the current circumstances are, if I am willing to pause and watch for the God in each situation.

Thank you for letting me share.
Lin C

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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