Spiritual Intuition - Jeff (2023/10/1)  [Home]


ケニー ロジャースの歌の文句でありました。「いつまで我慢するべきか、降りるのはいつにするか。」信仰をもつことで、かつては私を困らせた状況に対処する方法を、直感的に分かるようになりました。信仰とは、霊的な直感です。今では、私を導き、導き、守ってくれる心の中の声を聴くのが、ずっとうまくなりました。口をはさんでもよいとき、黙っていた方がよいとき、それが分かります。目の前の事態を受け入れる時機、勇気を振り絞って変化を試みる時機、それがよりはっきりしてきました。信仰は、絶え間のない導きです。そのおかげで、ほとんどのトラブルを私は回避できるだけでなく、降りかかったあらゆる混乱から私は抜け出すことができます。私は、ただ静かに耳を傾け、授かった導きに喜んで従うだけでよいのです。これは、いつでもそうというわけではありません。フランク シナトラのように、私の自我、今でも「自分のやり方」で人生を送りたいのです。




Translator : mk

Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic

Kenny Rogers sings, "You got to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold em." Faith for me is intuitively knowing how to handle situations which used to baffle me. Faith is spiritual intuition. Today I am much better at listening to the small voice within that guides, directs and protects me. I sense when it is better to speak up and when to keep my mouth shut. I have a clearer idea of when to accept what's happening and when to muster the courage to try and change. Faith is non-stop guidance that not only keeps me out of most trouble, but guides me out of every mess I get myself into. My part is simply to get quiet, listen and be willing to follow the guidance I receive. This isn't always the case. Like Frank Sinatra, my ego still wants to do life "My Way."

The biggest dividend of faith is less fear. I can't be in faith and fear at the same time. I create every problem in my life when I react in fear instead of responding in faith. When I am in fear I block spiritual intuition. Then I'm back to running on Jeff's old ideas with predictable consequences. Without fear running my life I am comfortable in my own skin. I run toward life instead of trying to run away from it.

Living in faith, I've found a new freedom and a new happiness. All I have to do to receive the gift of faith is continue to take the actions you suggested in my first week: trust God, clean house and help others. It's a hell of a deal.

Have a great sober week.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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