Topic - taking time or taking steps - Dave (2024/6/2)  [Home]



私はAAの棚卸を恐れていました - そして、それを誰かとシェアすることをもっと恐れていました。しかし、それをしないことの方がもっと恐ろしかったのです。私は提案に従いました。全力で取り組みました。ソーバー90日目の頃、一時的な
であるポール・Kと(朝鮮半島沖で)第5ステップをシェアしました。AAの最初のバースデーの数週間前に、ステップを完了しました。そしてそれは祝福の瞬間の中で起きました —私はバースデーケーキを受け取り、1年の記念チップ(メダル)を手に入れ、70人の熱狂的な酔っ払いたちが私にハッピーバースデーを歌ってくれました。私の




Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. My name is Dave and I am an alcoholic. Thanks for a great lead and topic, Mike, and for inviting me to take a service position here years ago. Welcome to all and congrats to AA (and HP!) for any milestones we celebrate this week. The program works!!

I was never big of following directions (or reading them!) and naturally didn’t like it when anyone pointed out that my results might have been better had I done so. But there was something so devastating about my last run with booze (pending divorce, impending loss of Navy career. . . and, worst of all by far, the booze quit working!) that made me desperate. I truly was “as open-minded to conviction and as willing to listen as the dying can be.”

I was terrified of the prospect of the inventory — and more so by sharing it with someone. But I was more terrified of not doing so. I followed directions. I was all in. I shared my 5th Step with Paul K (temporary sponsor) off the coast of the Korean Peninsula around the 90-day mark. I completed my march through the steps a few weeks prior to my first AA birthday. It was in the moment of celebration — Getting my cake, taking my 1-year chip, and 70 wildly enthusiastic drunks singing Happy Birthday to me — that my sponsor, Happy Jack, set me straight on the path we share today. I, of course, thought I was done. Jack knew otherwise. After he congratulated me, he told me (in front of the whole group!) that I was now on Step ONE!

Now to circle back to Mike’s topic — for me, it was Steps, Rinse, and Repeat. When I walk with a man through the Steps today, I tell them this is their path and they will set the pace. But I also let them know that I may poke them if I sense they are stalling, either from comfort or fear. I try to listen them and to God to know when to push or let them sit.

Love and peace from Moseley, VA, Dave

David Wray

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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