Re: Lead for Oct. 8 - Ellen (2023/10/14)  [Home]
Re: 10月8日のリード


面白いトピック(テーマ)ですね、デヴ ... ありがとう!ソーバーになりたての頃に聞いたのは、「ひとつだけ」変えればいいんだ ... 「何もかもね」ということでした。その通りですね、全てを変える必要はなかったのです。私は、ただお酒をやめればよかったのです。(神様のことはまた別の話です)。私はとても責任感の強い人間でした ... 毎日仕事に行き、家庭を切り盛りし、息子を育てて ... それを当たり前のことにして生きていました。善悪の区別はついていたし、 その一線を越えない限り、人生の風に身を任せて日々を過ごしていました。

何年も何年も、時計が午後5時を告げると、その時計の大きな針はワイングラスに変わりました。(あるいはその日の気分で、なんでもいいからグラスを選びました)。だから、お酒を飲むのを止めたら、それらのグラスに代わる ... 何かが必要でした。ジンジャーエール ... それは冷たくてシュワシュワで、お腹の調子を整えてくれた ... を手始めにしました。それから、砂糖を摂りたくない時には、新鮮なレモンとライムを絞ったミネラルウォーターに変えました。また私の味覚がもう少し洗練されて、AAの不味いコーヒーに耐えられなくなるまでは、そのコーヒーを大量に飲みましたよ。健康的だけれど面白くも何ともない飲み物として、水を一日に一本(あるいは二本)飲むために、ミーティングは良い機会になりました。今は、天候によってそれらの飲み物を切り替えています。夫には私の好みの濃いコーヒーの入れ方を教えました。夫は私の朝のコーヒーの邪魔をしてはいけない事を知っているのです。<満面の笑み>

というのも、私が赤ん坊の頃から摂食障害に苦しんでいたからで、 私は 食べ物に対して憎しみを抱いていました。アルコール飲料のおかげで、お腹が鳴って栄養が必要なときでも、食べなくても平気でした。私はむしろ食べ物を飲み込んだり、むせたり、吐いたりするよりも、少しほろ酔いになる方がマシでした。だからお酒を飲まなくなると、食生活にもとても気をつけなければならなくなりました。私は HALT...空腹、怒り、孤独、疲れ...を意識することができました ... 中でも空腹が最大の引き金になりました。いつもポットのコーヒーをがぶ飲みして、私が食べたくない時にも食べさせてくれた



Date of Sober 2003/1/21

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Interesting topic, Deb... thank you! I heard in the very beginning of my sobriety that I only needed to change ONE thing... EVERYTHING. Well, I didn't need to change everything. I just needed to stop drinking (the whole God-thing being another story). Even though I was an extremely responsible person... going to work every day, taking care of hearth and home, raising my son... I lived life by default. I knew right from wrong and as long as I didn't cross that line, I let the winds of life carry me through my days.

For years and years, when the clock struck 5pm, that was when the big hand would turn into a wine glass (or, whatever glass the toot-of-the-day would require). So, when I stopped drinking alcohol, I needed to replace that with a glass of... something. It began with gingerale... it was cold, bubbly, and it soothed my upset tummy. Then, when I wanted to get away from sugar, I switched to mineral water with a squeeze of fresh lemon and lime. I also drank copious amounts of bad AA coffee until my palate became just a little more sophisticated and could no longer stand the stuff. Meetings became a good opportunity to down a bottle of water (or, two) per meeting in order to drink enough of that healthy but boring liquid during any given day. Now, I switch between all of it depending on the weather. I have taught my husband how to make my coffee strong like I like it and he knows not to get between me and my morning coffee.

Because I had suffered from an eating disorder from the time I was a baby, I have always had a hate-hate relationship with food. Alcoholic beverages allowed me to not eat, even when my tummy was growling and I needed the sustenance. I would rather get a little tipsy than fight getting food down, gagging and throwing up. So, when I stopped drinking alcohol, I had to be very careful about my eating habits. I have been able to internalize HALT... Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired... with Hungry being the biggest trigger. Thank goodness for my sponsor who also drank pots and pots of coffee and fed me whenever I needed to eat and didn't want to... to the point that her husband used to tease me by saying that he knew it must be dinnertime because Ellen is here. Haha

I don't have so much of a problem eating, today. I'm certainly not as active as I was when I was working, caring for family members, running and hiking, so I don't really have a specific routine or habits, although my mornings always begin with coffee and reading spiritual meditations. I can't say that I always start my days with prayer because I seem to pray throughout each day and typically through my restless nights. However, prayer seems to have naturally become a regular habit and it is noticeable when I have gotten sidetracked. Regular meetings and commitment to service in the rooms have become a regular routine, once again. I cannot imagine going without these days if I want to remain healthy, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. For me, gratitude for the gift of sobriety is not just a good habit, it is a way of life.

This is only my experience. Yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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