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ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ



何年か前に、ビル・ウィルソンが何度も同じ葛藤を抱えていたことを読みました。そして、彼がやっていたとされるのは... 毎日の散歩中に何度かその状況について祈り、その後、自分が正しいと思うことを行うというものでした。もしうまくいったら、それは神の意思だったのでしょうし、うまくいかなければ、そうではなかったということです。この考えは当時の私には納得できたし、今でもそうです。もし間違った選択をしてしまったら(実際に何度もあります)、少なくとも謙虚さを学び、それから修正していくのです。

初期のAAメンバーの多くは『4つの約束事(訳注:正直 Honesty、無私 Unselfishness、愛 Love、純粋 Purity)』も使っていました。そして、どんな状況でもそれを基準に考えることで、明確な答えが得られることがあります。もし自分の言葉や行動が正直でなく、無私でなく、愛に満ちておらず、純粋でないなら、それは私の信じる神の意思ではないと感じます。




Sober Date : 1989年8月17日

Translator : yu

Mike Carlson...recovered alcoholic,

Welcome to anyone who is new or relatively new to AA or to ESH...I hope you find here what I and many others have found, a way of living which works. Congratulations to any and all celebrating an AA milestone!

Thanks Ellen for the topic this week of:

"How do you know what God's will is for you? How do you choose what path to follow when one appears easy and one appears more difficult (possibly with lessons to be learned)?"

I read many years ago that Bill Wilson had this same struggle many times and supposedly this is what he would do...pray about the situation a few times when taking his daily tunks (walks), and then do what he thought was right. If it worked out then apparently it was Gods will and if it didn't it wasn't. This made sense to me then, and still does. If I choose wrong (and I have many times) then I've learned a lesson in humility if nothing else and readjust.

Many of the early AA members used the 4 Absolutes also, and if I take any situation and run it through that filter it can give me an answer that's clear...for if my words or actions aren't honest, unselfish, loving and pure then I don't believe they are the will of the God of my conception.

Of course this has just been my experience...yours may be different.




This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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