現在、私は、そんなに活動的ではありません。神にお願いしています。しらふで、正気で、おだやかに、精神的に強くあるように。「ドクター ボブの悪夢」の終わりには、私のお気に入りの一説があります。「あなたの天なる神は、決してあなたを失望させることはなさらない。」
Translator : mk
Thank you, Bruce, for chairing this week.
My name is Louise, recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety date is June 30, 1972
One thing is for sure and that is that my spiritual growth has not been linear!
It was, in the first few years, an amazing transformation. From a stubborn and contrary person to a surrendered and willing member who would go to any length to remain sober and come to believe in a forgiving, merciful, and loving God.I found that working with others was the biggest aid to recovery. I had to always stay "one page ahead of them", I had to be willing to not ask of them anything which I was not willing to practice myself.As the Big Book tells us, "we have recovered and been given the power to help others".
Today I am not very active yet, I never fail to ask God to keep me sober, sane, safe, and strong in spirit. Dr. Bob ends his story with one of my favorite lines: Your Heavenly Father will never let you down.
Peace, love, and gratitude from Texas!