の中に、読むたびに身震いする一文があります。「アルコホーリクは繊細な人間である。このハンディキャップを克服するのに、私たちの中には時間がかかる者もいる。」ハンディキャップですって?(笑) そうですね。私はずっと繊細でした。でも私は特別なんです。(笑)
では、私は批判をどう受け止めるのでしょうか? それは状況や、誰からの批判かによります。私の最初の反応は、防御的になることかもしれません。でも、ほとんどの日は、それを心に留めておいて、
は本当に機能するのです!それは建設的な批判でしょうか?(それなら大歓迎です!) それとも、ただ意地悪な批判でしょうか?もし後者なら、私は回復的(回復や成長につながる)とは言えないものに引き込まれてしまい、良い結果にはなりません。恨みを抱くことは私の得意分野ではありませんし、それをうまく処理できる人に任せるべきだということを、いつも忘れないようにしています。
Translator : yu
Hi all,
My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic. Thanks, Jack for the topic and for your service to our group.
There's that line in the big book that makes me shudder every time I read it: "Alcoholics are sensitive people. It takes some of us longer to outgrow this handicap." Handicap? LOLOL. Yes. I've always been sensitive but I'm special. LOL.
So how do I handle criticism? It depends on the situation and who it comes from. My first reaction can be to get defensive. But most days, I can file it away to discuss with my sponsor. Some days I recognize it isn't about me but about them. I remember the first time I recognized that it was more about them and not me, and I stopped and prayed for this person. Miracle of all miracles.... the program works! Is it constructive criticism (I'm good with that!) or is it criticism to just be mean? I can get pulled into something that isn't recovery-like and that's when it isn't pretty. Remembering that resentments are not my best quality and we need to let others who can handle the resentment deal with it rather than me.
The reading that tells me that what others think about me are none of my business pulls me up and sets me straight. I'd rather be happy and grateful than miserable and right.
Thanks for listening.
Suanne G