9/10/23 Weekly meeting - Pam (2023/9/16)  [Home]

こんにちは、パムです、感謝でいっぱいのアルコホーリクです。このミーティングに参加できて嬉しいです ... いかなる長さであれ、酒無しの生活の記念日を迎えた仲間、おめでとう。それと
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
と AA に来た新しい仲間、ようこそ。ブルース、とても興味深い質問を提起してくれましたね ...



この2、3年の間、私は自分自身がかなり感情面で、精神的に落ち込んでいることに気づきました。世界が押し寄せてきて、自分の無力さを痛感します。良いことも悪いことも、全て受け入れることが鍵です。私は毎日、珠玉の言葉たち ... 自分を生かして相手も生かす、第一のものは第一に、手放して神に委ねる、うまくいくなら、直さず、シンプルに ... とともにそのような態度でいるようにしています。


平安に ...

Translator : yu

Hi. Pam here, a gratefuln alcoholic. Glad to be at this meeting…congratulations to anyone celebrating any length of time without drinking and welcome newcomers to ESH and or AA. Bruce, you pose a most interesting question...

"How has your life changed and how have your relationships changed as you have grown along spiritual lines, particularly over the last year or two?"

I really don’t know how to sufficiently answer that.

During these last two or three years I have found myself in some pretty low emotional and mental spots when the world begins to crowd in and the realization of powerlessness takes hold. Acceptance is key in most everything, good and bad. I employ that attitude every day along with the gems…live and let live, first things first, let go and let God, if it works, don’t fix it, keep it simple.

Can’t honestly say I’ve grown along spiritual lines as what worked before apparently is still working…grown or not. My life today and how I relate to people I meet new and previously known is what I would call pleasant, harmonious, cordial, trusting, welcoming. Twelve steps continue as daily guideposts.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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