ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
の最初の頃、オープンな ”壇上に” "立って話す” ミーティングが、たくさんありました。そこで、仲間は壇上で自分の話をし、私は
ニューヨークの郊外のコネチカットで育ち、私の家族は私の知る限りアルコホリックではありませんでした。私の父と祖父は夕食と一緒にビールを飲むのが好きでした。私の家族はときどきパーティーを開き、そこで友人にカクテルを振る舞っていました。私は、そのときアルコールは飲みませんでした。なぜなら、アルコールは大人のためのものだったし、アルコールの邪悪さを見ていなかったからです。私たちは、いろんな意味で裕福ではなかったけれど、"愛と人生はとても素晴らしかったです。高校では、数学と理科、そして工作の成績が良かったです "(英語はダメ、歴史とかほかの科目は曖昧で、でっち上げられたものでした)。それで、私は関心もなかったデラウェア大学に進学しました。表向きは土木技術者になるためです。どうして、そのような生い立ちの私が、酒浸りの人生に導かれたのか、私にはわかりません。大学在学中、すぐに学んだのだ、物を作るのが好きでしたが、クレーンやブルドーザーを操作する男になりたかったです。それは楽しい仕事です。Yシャツを着てネクタイを締めて作業帽をかぶり、事務所で他人を威張り散らしているような男ではないのです。私は実際にそこには行きたくなかったのですが、愛する祖母に誇りに思ってもらうために、我慢して頑張りました。デラウェア大学のマーチングバンドの仲間もいましたね。指をさして言うわけではありませんが、あの群衆との経験を言わなければなりません。広い道を演奏して、アルコールの社会的な利点を教えてくれました。どうやら、酔っぱらっていても、私はトロンボーンを吹けるようだ。そうやって、私の
オール・イエス 「オール・イエス」とは、キリスト教の信仰に基づく言葉で、「すべてをキリストに委ねる」という意味を持ちます。この信念は、自分の人生や問題をイエス・キリストに全て委ねることで、キリスト教徒が信仰を深め、困難に立ち向かう力を得ることができると信じられています。この言葉は、信仰生活や祈りの中で頻繁に使われることがあります。
リバイバル・テント集会 リバイバル・テント集会とは、キリスト教系の宗教集会やキャンプ会議など、キリスト教における宗教的な復興(リバイバル)や霊的な再生を促進するために行われる、屋外のテントを使って行われる集会のことを指します。通常、伝道活動や信仰体験を深めるために、牧師や宣教師がメッセージを説き、礼拝や祈りの時間が行われます。リバイバル・テント集会は、キリスト教信仰の活性化や地域社会への影響を目的として行われることが多いです。
1990 年 12 月 4 日
Translator : kj
Hi ESH folks I'm an alcoholic and I'm Chuck. Thank you Beth for a unique topic and congrats on your 19 years! It has been quite fascinating learning about my fellow ESHers
In my early sobriety, there were a lot of open "standup" meetings where people would tell their stories at a podium and I got a lot of experience telling my story with my home group. I usually began "I started drinking when I was..." like every newbie did, followed by a litany of mishaps, tragedies and near misses, all now mostly laughable, some still cringeworthy. After a while I got tired of my same old sad sack tale, and by listening to the more seasoned members of my group I realized I only had half a story to tell at that point- just a drunkalogue, The recovery and living sober part had yet to develop. Where I live now there are fewer standup meetings. I don't have a lot of chances to speak at the podium so here is my backstory.
Growing up in Connecticut just outside New York, my family had no alcoholics I knew of. My dad and grampa liked a beer with supper and my folks threw occasional parties where they served cocktails to friends. I never drank back then because it was for grownups, never saw the evils of drinking, we weren't rich by any means but we had love and life was pretty darn good. I did well in high school math science and shop (not English history or any of that fuzzy made-up stuff) so I was shepherded off to University of Delaware, ostensibly to become a civil engineer. How that kind of upbringing led me to a life of drinking I'll never know. While in college I soon learned that although I liked to build things, I wanted to be the guy running the crane or bulldozer, the fun stuff, not some guy in a shirt and tie with a hardhat and an office bossing others around. I didn't really want to be there, but I tried to stick it out to make my dear old grandma proud of me. And I did have the fellowship of the U of D marching band. Not pointing fingers, but I must say my experience with that crowd did play a big part in teaching me the social benefits of alcohol. Apparently I can play a trombone while drunk. And so I went for my degree in alcoholism. Flunked out, my friends all graduated and moved away and had real lives, and by then I knew booze was a problem, but how to stop. I couldn't put even a few days together. I heard of AA but knew nothing about it. I tried listening to the All Jesus radio station for inspiration and even went to a revival tent meeting at the church. I didn't think I could handle being pious and stuck up all the time. So I called AA and was directed to my first meeting. Went for a few weeks, didn't listen, pay attention or hang out with sober people after the meeting, it's no wonder I didn't get it. Moved back to CT and invaded my parents newly built home in retirement and made their life a living hell. After a couple rehabs and many false starts in AA, 3 years on and off going to meetings still drunk, I was finally able to put down the drink for good in Dec 1990. I didn't start working the steps immediately, nor did I get a sponsor, but after a weird spiritual experience I did enjoy not having to chase the next drink anymore. That made staying sober a whole lot easier. I really liked the people and love and acceptance I experienced at meetings. I went to as many as I could. About 6 months sober I was offered a job at a bicycle shop in East Providence RI. I was so excited to be employed in a field that I considered to be my hobby and passion. I commuted an hour to and from CT for a couple weeks, and before I looked for an apartment there, I searched out a home group and joined the H.O.W Group in Seekonk MA where I found that same love and acceptance. I told my mom I would be moving to RI, and for all the grief and aggravation I caused them due to drinking, she began to cry because I was leaving. I then began making amends to my family and it didn't take long before I regained their trust and was there willing to help them out whenever needed. This is the beginning of my recovery story, which AA is still helping me to write. Since I got sober in AA my life has had many ups, downs, joys and disappointments, all of them on a much higher level than the misery I created in my drunken days. Been married, divorced, married again, Lived in CT, MA, RI, TX and now Wisconsin longer than I've lived anywhere else. All sober in AA. Thank you all for channeling my HP and helping me stay this way.
Chuck S
Sherwood WI
Dec 4 1990