Re: Topic for Week of Jan. 7, 2024 - Ellen (2024/1/13)  [Home]
Re: 1月7日のトピック



ソーバーの最初の日に、私が雪で覆われた駐車場を通り、通りからミーティング会場のドアに向かって歩くと、外でたばこを吸ったり足を踏ん張ったり、コーヒーを飲んだりしている6、7人の男性が見えました。私は、彼らが私を見るだろうと思って(それはまあ合理的な考えではありませんが、私は恐れを抑え込んで、恐れが無いかのように振る舞おうとしていたのです)、「(会場に向かう向かう重い足取りの)あの長い道のり」を歩くのを見られたくなくて、車を駐車場に入れずに歩いてきました。... 彼らに最初に尋ねたのは、「これは男性のミーティングですか?」ということでした。そして、彼らは笑いながら、女性たちは中で暖かい場所にいると教えてくれました。その時私は、私の将来の夫と彼の

であるローランド・Dは、ネイティブアメリカンのシャーマンであり、私の最初のAAの指導者でもありました。彼は、私が知らない人たちでいっぱいのミーティング会場の中で自分の声を聞くことに慣れるために、彼の側でミーティングの共同司会者を務めることを勧めてくれました。ローランドはまた、別のミーティングでスピーカーが現れなかったときに、私にスピーカーになるよう提案してくれました。再び私は、まるでヘッドライトの前の鹿のように緊張してしまい、ミーティングが始まるまでそのことに同意しなかったのです。彼は私にとても親切で愛情深く、私には限りなく忍耐強かった。特に私が通常のミーティングでほとんど発言せず、ソーバーが始まってから1年しか経っていなかったことを考慮してくれました。私がソーバーを続けるにつれて、私が記念チップ (メダル) を受け取るたびに、彼は涙を流すことが増えました。ロドニーと私が結婚した時、ローランドは私のウエディングロードの側を歩いてくれました。





Date of Sover 2003/1/21

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Thank you, George, for the wonderful topic. Quite the story you have there! I don't have a specific event such as yours, but I have spent the past week in reflection upon many AA members in the early years of my sobriety who were instrumental in welcoming and enveloping me in their love and warmth, gently showing me how to not only live a life without alcohol, but also how to be a valued member of the AA family.

When I walked across that snow-covered parking lot from the street up to the door of the meeting room on that first day sober, and saw six or seven men standing outside smoking and stamping their feet, drinking their coffee, watching me walk 'that long walk' because I was too afraid to pull into the parking lot and park my car because they would see me (not quite a rational thought, but I was trying to push down the fear and act as if it wasn't there)... my first question to them was, 'Is this a men's meeting?' and they proceeded to laugh and tell me that the women were inside where it was warm. I had just met my future husband, his sponsor, and a man with six years sobriety in spite of 'suffering from grave emotional and mental disorders' who is still sober today and still my friend.

My (late) husband Rodney W helped me begin the long, emotional road of learning to feel worthy of AA. His sponsor, Roland D... a Native American shaman and my first AA mentor... introduced me to co-chairing meetings by his side as I got used to hearing my own voice in a room full of people I did not know. Roland also invited me to be the speaker at a different meeting he chaired when the speaker didn't show up... again, I was like a deer in the headlights... I didn't agree to do it until the meeting began. He was kind and loving and infinitely patient with me, especially since I rarely shared at my regular meeting and I was only about a year sober. The longer I stayed sober, the more he would tear up as I picked up my sobriety chips. When Rodney and I got married, he walked me down the aisle.

My friend Steve C is schizophrenic and atheist, but sober and one of my greatest examples of getting and staying sober in the face of adversity. He underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor around the same time that I did. We both lived to tell the tale. Without sobriety, I doubt neither of us would have survived.

And last, but certainly and by no means least, my sponsor Cindy P who I met at two weeks sober, but wouldn't become my sponsor for another year and a half. She has been by my side for over twenty years, now. She has not only provided a wonderful example of staying sober... she has fed me, sat with me through copious pots of coffee, helped me care for my mother and my husband, and still today helps me keep my program simple.

These sober alcoholics as well as many, many other dear friends I met in those early years kept me grounded, providing a loving stability and guidance that, if left on my own, I would not have had the courage to keep trudging our sober path. I am truly grateful for each and every one of them.

Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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