Help - Kitza (2024/1/14)  [Home]


をやっている私の兄がそこに住んでいます。夫に治療の効果は無く、事態は悪化の一途を辿りました。兄と一緒に私は、知ってる人が誰もいないAAミーティングに行きました。彼ら (ミーティングの仲間たち) は私にとってとても親切で、これを書いていると涙が出ます。彼らが私に示してくれた愛が、私を人生で最も厳しい時期を乗り越えさせてくれました。夫は2009年6月に亡くなりました。しかし、アラスカに戻っていても、私は彼らの愛を感じました。(ミネソタの) グループからお見舞いのカードをもらいました。道に迷った者に対するあのような愛情を、(AAの) 他にどこで見出すことが出来るでしょうか。


Translator : yu

Hello all, Kitza here alcoholic who is grateful to be part of AA. Thanks for the topic.

Many many people have saved my bacon, mostly because I am pretty hard headed and want to be in control. But in 2008 my husband of 23 years was diagnosed with cancer. I live in AK and we had to travel to Rochester MN for treatment. My brother, who is also in the program, lives there as well. My husband did not respond to treatment and it was a downward spiral. My brother and I went to an AA meeting where I knew no one. They were so good to me I get tears in my eyes writing this. That love they showed me carried me through the hardest times of my life. My husband died in June of 2009. But even though I was back in AK I felt their love. I got sympathy cards from the group. Where else can you find that love for someone who was so lost.

Have a great day!!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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