Will C - Jeff (2024/1/13)  [Home]









Translator : yu

Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic,

Thanks George for your lead and for your consistent message through the years.

Will C. was the first person to greet me at my first meeting, a nooner at the Presbyterian Church in La Jolla, California. He was 70-something with a well-trimmed gray beard and kind eyes. His face lit up when I told him I was new. He loaded me up with AA pamphlets all the while telling me how glad he was I was there. He introduced me to the other six or seven members of the group as they arrived. I attended that meeting with Will for a year and a half until I moved to China for work.

If you looked up humility in the dictionary you might find a little picture of Will C. He went to Mass every morning and a meeting every noon. Will never mentioned it, but I learned he sponsored Father Bill W, a well known catholic priest who put on a retreat for alcoholics every Thanksgiving.

Will loved newcomers. On Wednesday nights you could always find a couple of newbies at Will’s apartment, going through the Joe and Charlie tapes together. Will rarely shared, but when his turn came up, he always ended with, “I came for my drinking, but I stayed for my thinking.” These words continue to echo inside my head thirty years later.

Will had an old poodle he loved dearly named Lucky. Lucky was the color of Will’s beard. Have you noticed how dogs look like their owners? Will and Lucky were like that. They had been together for seventeen or eighteen years when Will died. Lucky died the next day. The AAs who handled Will’s affairs arranged it so Lucky could share the coffin with Will.

I wanted what Will had even though I didn’t know what it was back then. He continues to be a wonderful example of useful and contented sobriety for me. I am forever grateful to have known this kind, gentle man who kept it very simple.

Have a great sober week.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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