Re: ESH topic week 8/20/2023 - Ted (2023/8/23)  [Home]
Re: 8月20日のトピック



パム、トピックをありがとう。私の場合 "世界の市民" というのは、ちょっと言い過ぎかもしれません。私は最近ドバイに引っ越しました。そこは私の生まれ故郷であるフェニックスよりも、さらに夏が厳しい場所でした。


この14年間、世界中を転々としてきて、今の仕事で初めて、 仕事部隊を率いることになって、私は重要な監督責任を負っています。これは私にとって快適な環境ではありません -- 独立して働き、必要以上に他人と話をしないほうがずっと楽なのです。しかし私は、かつてある仲間が愛と奉仕の原理に集約したことで知られている、AAの原理を実践する必要があります。私はこれを従業員にも実践しようとしています。彼らに成長の機会を与え、彼らの個性とスキルを一直線に伸ばすのです。


シェアさせてくれてありがとう - たまにしかシェアできなくてごめんなさい!でも、みなさんとこのミーティングには本当に感謝しています。


Translator : yu

Good morning everyone,

My name is Ted and I'm an alcoholic. It's good to be at a meeting!

Thank you, Pam, for the topic. I may have taken the "citizen of the world" thing a bit too far. I have recently moved to Dubai, where I have managed to find a place with even more difficult summers than my native Phoenix.

But it is all very good. AA has given me all I have, and it's a lot.

For the first time in my current job, which has moved me around the world for the last 14 years, I have significant supervisory responsibilities, leading a work unit at my place of employment. This is not my comfort zone -- I am much more comfortable working independently and not speaking to others more than I need to. But I need to practice the principles of AA, which someone once famously distilled down to the principles of love and service. I am trying to practice this with my employees, giving them opportunities for growth and advancement in line with their personalities and unique skills.

Thinking of them, rather than me, isn't easy or natural. But it is a great reminder that my job is to practice these principles in all my affairs.

Thanks for letting me share - sorry I don't do it more often! But I really appreciate you all and this meeting.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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