73年前、私の起床時間は午前5時でした。 彼らが来るという予告はなかったけれど、「彼ら」はすでに我が家の応接間に立っていました: 二人の男でした。 一人は赤と黒のチェックの長袖フランネルシャツを着ていて、もう一人はタン色のシャツに、緑と黒のペイズリー柄のネクタイをしていました。片方の男が、もう片方が持つ目盛り付きのグラスにウイスキーを注いでいました。 フランネルの男が腕時計を確認し、もう一人に言いました。「今から1時間後なら、もう1回飲ませることができる」そして私の方を向いてニヤリと笑いました。
フランネルの男がスーツの男に向き直りました。 「彼は頭もいい。 君の名前は? いくつ?」
「僕の名前はジョージ・スマーレン。 5月で12歳になる。 あなた達は誰?」
「名字はないの? パパはどうしたの? 病気なの?」
「私たちは普段、名字を名乗らないんだ。 それにお父さんは病気なんだ。 それはお酒が原因なんだよ」
その二人は4日間我が家に滞在しました。 一人は毎晩滞在し、もう一人は家に帰りました。私はビルKが本当に好きでした。彼は面白い人で、私にAAの事を語ってくれました。ビルとディックはAAメンバーでした ...
何時間も泣きました。 今も泣いています。
Translator : yu
Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Jeffrey, for chairing.
Seventy-three years ago, my usual wakeup time was 5 a.m. There was no warning they'd be there, but "they" were already standing in our home's parlor: Two men. One wore a red and black-checked long-sleeved flannel shirt, the other a tan-colored suit, white shirt, green and black paisley tie. One was pouring whiskey in a graduated glass the other held. The fellow in flannel checked his wristwatch and said to the other, "One hour from now, we can give him another." Then, he turned to me and grinned.
"Who's the red head?"
"My head is not red," I quickly retorted, being more than sensitive to that nickname. "Fire trucks are red; my hair is auburn."
Flannel turned to suit. "And he's a smart one, too. What's your name? How old are you?"
"My name is George Smullen. I'll be twelve in May. Who are you guys?"
Flannel said, "Well, I'm Bill K. and this is Dick B. We're here to help your father."
"Don't you have last names? What's wrong with Dad. Is he sick?"
"We usually don't give folks our last names. And your father is ill. It's caused by his drinking."
"Then, why are you giving him whiskey?"
Both flannel and suit laughed. "If we don't give him a shot every once in a while, he'd really get sick."
The pair remained in our home for four days. One stayed each night while the other went home. I really liked Bill K. He was a funny guy, and he told me about Alcoholics Anonymous, of which he and Dick were members..
Eight years later, while a crew member of an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea, I received a letter from my mother. In it, she wrote that Bill K. had killed himself with a shotgun.
I cried for hours. I'm crying right now.
And that's the way it works for me.