・デートは 1972/6/30 です。
を踏ませ、夫は酒を止めただけでなく、A.A.のミーティングにも出席し続けました。それで、私もそろそろお酒をやめようと決心しました ...... 私は止めようと思えば止められると信じていました。
は加速し、私は自暴自棄になりました。その頃私が望んだのは、彼がミーティングから帰ってきて、私がソファで気絶しているのを見つけることでした。私は思いつくことはすべて試しましたが、何もうまくいきませんでした。自分の酒を隠すなど、アルコホリックの行動だとわかっていること ... 以前は絶対にしないと言っていたことををたくさんしていました。私の母は典型的なキッチン・ドリンカー (closet drinker) で、私は彼女のようには絶対になりたくなかったのです ... だから私はそれを「飲む」とは呼ばずに、「お出かけ」と呼んでいたし、たくさん「お出かけ」をしました。でも最後にはもう外には出かけなくなり、家に隠れて孤立していたし、自分の運転が信用できなくなっていました。私はすでに、息子を車に乗せた状態でひき逃げをしていました。翌日、警察から電話がかかってきて、出頭して供述しなければ逮捕状が出ると言われました。私はどこで何が起きたのかも覚えていなかったので怖くなり、息子に前の晩どこにいたのか聞かなければなりませんでした......酒と戦う気力を失ったのです、確かにそうでした。金曜の夜、現在はソーバーになった夫に連れられてA.A.のオープンミーティングに行き、その後でオイルやビネガーのボトルの陰に隠していたジンのボトルを探しましたが、それは空でした。私は、自分もまた空っぽであることに気がつきました。初めてシェアするよう求められたとき、私は魔法の言葉を口にしました: 「アルコホリックのルイーズです」みんなが拍手をしてくれました ... みんなとっくにわかっていたのです。私はもう一生、酒は飲まなくても良いのだと言われました ... 今日一日 ... それが今日までの私の物語です。だから、最初に私を惹きつけたのは笑いでした。その人達は幸せそうに見えたのです。そのうちの一人、ブルックス・Cが私の最初の
Louise in Texas
Translator : yu
Thank you, Jeff, for chairing this week! My name is Louise, recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety date is June 30, 1972
In 1969 I ended up at an Al-Anon meeting with my sister as her husband was a raging alcoholic. Of course, my second husband, Bud, drank, but I was certain that I could control his drinking (as well as mine).I remember how startled I was to hear laughter from the big room where A.A.s met. In the smaller room where wives (and one husband) met for Al-Anon meetings there was only negative discussions, gnashing of teeth, and often, crying.In early 1972, two men 12th Stepped my then husband and not only did he stopped drinking, but he continued attending A.A. meetings and so I decided that it was time for me to quit...I truly believed that if I wanted to, I could just stop. My alcoholism accelerated and I became desperate. The last thing I wanted was for him to come home from a meeting and find me passed out on the couch. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. Now I was doing many things that I knew were alcoholic behaviors, such as hiding my booze...actions that I used to say I would never do. My mother was a classic closet drinker and I was never going to be like her...so I didn't call it "drinking", I called it "going out" and I did a lot of that. But now I wasn't going out anymore, I was hiding and isolating and didn't trust myself driving. I had already had a hit and run and with my son in the car. When the next day, I had a phone call from the cops and told that there was a warrant for my arrest if I didn't come in and make a statement, I was scared as I didn't even remember where it had happened and had to ask my son about where we had been the night before...demoralization, for sure.Then on a Friday night, that now sober husband, took me to an open A.A. meeting and after I looked for my bottle of gin hidden behind the oil and vinegar bottles, and found it empty, I realized that I was, also empty.When I was called on to share, for the first time, I said those magic words: my name is Louise, and I am an alcoholic. Everyone clapped...they all knew. I was told that I never had to drink again, for the rest of my life...one day at a time...and that is my story as of today. So, it was the laughter that first attracted me and the men who all seemed so darn happy. One of them, Brooks C. became my first sponsor and he was very serious about sobriety but also knew how to make me laugh. Thank God for him and for all the alcoholics whom I have been blessed to share life with!
Peace, love, and gratitude
Louise in Texas