おはようございます - アルコホリックのエレンです。今日、シラフで生きていられることに最大限の感謝をします。ジェフ、今週のミーティングの司会と、分かち合いへのお誘いをありがとう。
それから20年後、自分にも飲酒の問題があることを自覚しつつあった私は、助けを求めてありとあらゆる本を読みました。偶然、ある有名人の伝記を読みました。その人たちの飲酒歴には、ブラックアウトや極端な怒り/悪行が含まれていました。彼らはAAで飲まない生き方を見つけました。だから ...... 私の歪んだ(とまでは言わないが、大げさな)考え方では、私の飲酒量は彼らのとは似ても似つかぬものでしたが、彼らがシラフになれたなら、私にもできると思いました。ははは!プロボのセントラルオフィスに行き、初めてのAAミーティングを案内された時、私はまだ酒を止める準備ができていませんでした。そこで私が聞いたのは、自分が聞きたくなかったこと、自分がアルコホリックだと認めなければならないことや、AAはお酒をやめるための
それから3年後、私はもう飲みたくないと目覚め、お酒をやめ続けるためにはAAが必要なのだと「わかって」いました。AAは、アルコールなしで生きていく方法を教えてくれました。AAはまた、神というものを理解する方法を教えてくれました。その3年前のミーティングで学んだはずのこと ... 私はそれを(アノニマスではなく)「けつ・モシス」と呼んでいました ... は、どうやってシラフでいるかを「(あまりにも圧倒的な)私の残りの人生で、ずっと」心配しなくても良いのだ、今日一日だけで良いのだ、ということでした。自分ではできなかったことを、私にしてくれる神様?神様のことなんて何もしたくないですよ。まだしばらくは、神様のことを知ることはないでしょう。
や回復の経験を通して勝ち得た知恵の断片です。 そしてその人たちのハグが恋しいです。
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03
Translator : yu
Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. Very grateful to be sober and alive, today. Jeff, thank you for chairing the meeting this week and for the invitation to share.
I'm not too sure there was a specific AA person who carried the AA message to me. The first I ever heard of AA was in my early twenties when my father had been admitted to the psych ward for a suicide attempt while drinking. The psychiatrist told him and my mother that he should go to AA for his drinking problem. I never saw this doctor, never knew his name. My dad's religion would not allow him to go to AA, not even investigate it. He died without recovery. He stayed with the religion, I left.
Twenty years later when I was becoming aware that I too had a drinking problem, I read everything under the sun looking for help. I happened to read a biography of a famous person whose drinking history included blackout drinking and extreme anger/bad behavior. They found sobriety in AA. Sooo... in my warped (if not, grandiose) way of thinking, even though my drinking did not even remotely resemble how they drank, I thought... if they can get sober, I can get sober. Ha! Little did I know that I was not ready to stop drinking when I walked into Central Office in Provo and was directed to my first AA meeting. What I heard was what I did not want to hear: that I had to admit I was an alcoholic; that AA was a program of abstinence; God. What the hell. I just wanted help with my drinking problem and I certainly did not come here to 'find God'.
Three years later, when I woke up not wanting to drink anymore, I KNEW that AA was where I needed to go if I was to stay stopped. AA was going to show me how to live life without alcohol. AA was also going to show me how to figure out the God-thing. What I must have learned from sitting in those meetings three years prior... I call it ass-mosis... was that I didn't need to worry about how to stay sober FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE (too overwhelming), just one day at a time. The God-who-I-didn't-want-anything-to-do-with doing for me what I could not do for myself? I wouldn't learn this for some time, yet.
At about six weeks sober, I heard a woman share her drinking story and I could relate to the high-functioning, but out-of-control aspect of her experience. I asked her to be my sponsor, but she never worked the steps with me, even after asking her specifically what that was to look like, what was to happen. I did not know I could change sponsors. This wouldn't happen for another year and a half. In the meantime, I kept going to meetings, picking up little nuggets of wisdom that have stayed with me to today, and I stayed sober. My sponsor today is someone I had seen and heard when I was two weeks sober and she had just moved in from out of state and was at her first local meeting. I was astounded that she was able to share like she did in a room full of people she didn't know. I do not remember a thing she said. I found out later that she had been sober for seventeen years. Maybe... again, through ass-mosis... I wanted what she had!
So many people who were an influence in my early days of sobriety are now dead. I can still hear their voices, their bits of wisdom hard won through their own experience with alcoholism and recovery, and I miss their hugs.
This is only my experience. Yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03