ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
60年代半ば、小さな私は、父と一緒に白黒テレビを観ていました。初めて酒を飲むずっと前に観た、あるテレビ広告を覚えていました。それが、後の私に影響することになりました。何だか、小さなことが頭の中で組み合わさって、AA についてさらに詳しく問い合わせてみようと、電話をしました。電話の相手に、「眠れないんだ。」と言いました。とても、恥ずかしかったです。電話先の彼女は、眠らないことで死ぬ人はいないと言い、私の家から1マイルも離れていないところでミーティングが開かれていると、教えてくれました。そこでその夜、私は勇気を出して、教会の地下に行きました。青いハードカバーの本(
1990 年の感謝祭のころ、私はまだ酒を飲んでいましたが、止めようともしていました。もしかしたら、AA メッセージのカーネルが頭のどこかに残っていたのかもしれませんが、私はそれを使用していませんでした。ひょっとしたら、AAの伝える大事なメッセージが、頭の片隅に残っていたのかもしれません。でも、私はそれを使ってはいませんでした。ついに、「とにかくやってみろ。」と言う声が、私の中で聴こえました。そこで、私は、その言葉に従い、汗・震え・悪寒・幻聴そして悪夢に苦しみながら、数日間を過ごしました。母は、私に、もう一度治療を治療をするように、強く迫りました。でも、私は治療を拒否し、何をしなくちゃいけないか分かっている、と答えました。そして、それが私の最後の酒になりました。それ以来、私は、最大限の努力でAA
を実践しました。AAのこと、あるいは AAをどのように考えているか、私に語ろうとした人は、いませんでした。それから、私は自転車でパインストリートまで片道9マイルを走り始めました。マサチューセッツ州サウスブリッジのお昼の回復グループでは、天候に関係なく、ほぼ毎日、ミーティングが開かれていました。仲間の顔と名前も分かるようになりました。ミーティングに行かないと、なぜ来なかったのか、訊かれました。壁に貼ってある幕とステップを読みました。それが、どのようにうまくいくのか、そしてAAが約束していることを読みました。仲間ができました。みんなの名前を言うことができます。フレッド.B・バーニー・片足のドン・装具を付けたポーラ。他にもたくさんの仲間がいて、楽しい思い出です。彼らのおかげで、私の中に眠っていたやる気という種が、肥料を与えられ、水を与えられ、育って、発芽し、開花したのです。
1990 年 12 月 4 日
Translator : mk
Hello ESH friends I'm an alcoholic and I'm Chuck. Thank you Jeff for leading us this week.
In the nadir of my drinking days in Delaware in the late 1980s, I heard no message of recovery in AA. Nobody told me anything except how bad and stupid I was, what a drunk I was, never going to amount to anything unless I cleaned up my act. It sure hurt, because I had come to the same miserable conclusion myself. It was bad enough that I was self-flagellating, and with everyone else, from my family to my bosses to the landlord wagging fingers in my face, sometimes I thought the only escape I had from that misery was another drink. I knew I wanted to stop, I tried to, I had no idea how do do it. I tried cold turkey but before long the turkey warmed up again. I did the religion method, purposely looking for a type of church that was very unlike the one I despised when I was younger. Again I was a failure and again I left, needing to wash the bad taste in my mouth with some booze. I vaguely knew of another drunk and I heard some folks say he's in AA, and that rang a faint bell. I never thought about AA, knew only that it sounded like a fraternity of drunks and I wasn't about to pledge to anything. I did remember a TV ad long before I took my first drink while watching with my dad as a young kid in the mid 60s on our black and white set. That was the extent of my exposure. These little bits somehow combined in my head to prompt me to just inquire further about AA, so I called. I was so full of shame that I told the person at the other end I couldn't sleep. She told me nobody dies of not sleeping, and said there was a meeting less than a mile from where I lived. So I wound up some courage and went to the church basement that night, someone gave me this blue hardcover book and urged me to read it, I heard people talking, joking, laughing, and whatever. I heard things, but I did not really listen or understand. After the meeting, I found the pint under my car seat and began to relax again. I went there a few times, usually half-buzzed. and then I ran into a classmate from the circle of friends with whom I often partied who also dropped out like me. We both asked "What are YOU doing here?". After a moment, we both knew darn well why we were there and we both were embarrassed to be seen. We went outside, talked for a bit, then went our separate ways. I don't know what happened to her, but for me it was another 3½ years later, after moving back to northeast Connecticut with my parents and making their life a living hell and wreaking havoc wherever I went, that I was again exposed to AA. It was get treatment or get out. I went to three rehabs over the course of a couple years. Each time I did learn and listen a little more, and each time I drank again. Some guy would pick me up at home and take me to a meeting a couple times a week, whatever he told me didn't really sink in, but the collective effect of interacting with sober people on a regular basis was that apparently a seed was planted. Around Thanksgiving 1990, I was still drinking and trying to stop. Maybe a kernel of the AA message was stuck in my head somewhere but I wasn't using it. Finally something inside me said "Just do it" So I sucked it up and spent the next few days with the sweats, shakes, chills, voices and nightmares. My mom was threatening me with another rehab, but I refused and told her I knew what I had to do. And that was the last drink I had. From then on I put an effort into the AA program as best as I could understand. Before that time, I can't tell you the name of anyone who tried to tell me about AA or what they looked like. Then I started by riding my bicycle 9 miles each way to the Pine St. Noontime Recovery Group in Southbridge Massachusetts practically every day I could, whatever the weather. I got to know peoples names. They asked why I wasn't there if I missed a meeting. I read the banners and the steps on the wall. I read how it works and the promises. I made friends. These people I can recite their names. Fred B, Bernie, One-legged Don, Paula with the braces. So many others too, and the fond memories. These were the people who fertilized and watered and cultivated the dormant seed that was planted in me and allowed it to sprout and bloom. Since I moved out of the area, I have come back there a few times to see who is left, and to thank them for helping me get my start in sobriety and to show them that the program works wherever I work it. Here, there and everywhere.
Thanks for listening
Chuck S
Sherwood WI
Dec 4 1990