になった男性もこのステップを読み違えました。 彼はとても焦っていました。焦って、焦って、焦って、自分の性格上の欠陥を除去する準備を完全に整えようとしていました。
彼の顔からそれを読み取り、彼の全身からそれを見ることができました。 若いのに、彼はやつれていて年齢以上に老けていました。彼の
「そんなことはない。 完全に準備するためにできることをやっているだけです。」
「準備と、"完全なる準備" の違いは何ですか?」
「我々がしなければならないのは、変化への準備と、神様に私を変えていただこうとする気持ちだけです。 人間である以上、欠点はつきものです。ただ、酒を飲んでいた頃ほどには、その欠点は強くないということなのです。」
信じられないことが起こりました。 その人の身体と態度がすぐに変わったのです。 彼は、私たちの
Translator : yu
Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Dot, for chairing. A man I sponsored many twenty-four hours ago also misread this step. He was so busy, busy, busy, he told me, trying to be entirely ready to have his character defects removed.
I could read it on his face, see it in his entire body. For a young man, he was haggard, old beyond his age. His sobriety was a difficult task for which he was responsible.
"Are you God?" I asked.
"Seems to me you're trying to do His job."
"I'm not. I'm just doing what I can to make myself entirely ready."
"What's the difference between ready and entirely ready?"
He shrugged.
"Not much," I answered my own question. "All I had to do was to be ready for change, willing to let God change me, nothing more. I'm human. I'll always have character defects. They just aren't as dominant now as they were while I was drinking."
Something incredible took place. I witnessed an immediate change in the man's body and demeanor. He relaxed for the very first time since he sought help in our program.
Sobriety ain't Rocket Science, folks. Don't make it so. And that's the way it works for me.