ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
へ良く来てくれた・・・俺や沢山の仲間達が見つけたように、ここで君達も見つけられるといいな。それはうまくいく生き方だよ。AA のマイルストーンを祝うすべてのみんな、本当におめでとう {{{DOMINIC}}}!!!
Dominicが最初に来た時を思い出すと、今の彼はまったく違う人間さ。昔の Saddleback Valley (訳注:グループ名) のフェローシップでは、特に俺が死刑囚として後ろに座って、ミーティングで自己課題の危機よりも解決策に向けようとしている時Dominicはあまり笑っていなかったな。彼の目に光が灯り、彼の人生が一日一日、生きる価値のあるものになっていくのを見たのさ。約2年前、俺と妻は南カリフォルニアを訪れていたんだけど、その時にDominicは彼と彼の奥さんで俺たちをディナーに誘ってくれた。すごく楽しい時間だったよな…ただ話したり笑ったり、前回会った時からの人生を分かち合ったりして。神様が俺達に与えてくれた恵みって本当にありがたい物なのさ!
Translator : hr
Mike...recovered alcoholic,
Welcome to anyone who is new or relatively new to AA or to ESH...I hope you find here what I and many others have found, a way of living which works. Congratulations to any and all celebrating an AA milestone {{{DOMINIC}}}!!!
Thanks Dominic for your share and topic of:
Laughter and Sobriety
When I got sober this time I was 30 years old, living with my 1st ex-wife and our daughter (while waiting for my 2nd divorce to become final) and trying to force that relationship to work. She didn't appreciate my getting sober with the help of a bunch of strangers...I believe she wanted me to change just the way she wanted by her direction. At least that's the way it felt. No surprise that we split again, though my starting to live a principle based life made it less contentious than the first time.
Anyways, perhaps that intro gives you an idea of the kind of guy I was...a sad sack with a bad attitude. I didn't see what was so funny in all these meetings, someone would share something that I had been trying to keep hidden my whole life and the entire room would burst out in laughter...even the one who was sharing!
But even though I was pretty horrified, it was also really attractive in a way. The real emotions whether it was coming out as laughter or as tears was something that touched me in a place I didn't even knew I had. I was living such a phony life for so many years I didn't even know what was real. And you guys were so real it almost seemed as if you were glowing...like I said it was scary but really attractive. And the more I kept coming back, the more of that brick wall I had built over the years got chipped away.
When I hit a bottom after a few months I surrendered to a man who told me "Mike, if you want to get well you're going to have to work these Steps" and I was broken enough to do so. As the result of doing some simple actions (all laid out in our basic text) my life started to change...life didn't suck quite as much as it did before, and I actually started to enjoy life. I found myself laughing at others sharing and amazingly I even laughed at some of my own goofy antics and mistakes. By the time I had done my first 5th Step I was hooked, I had found a new way to life that you showed me how to live, and showing my emotions was just part of it. I could laugh, cry, feel everything that I had run from my whole life and it was all due to you sharing with me that I could do this and not have to run, drink and anesthetize myself from all I came to believe that there is a Power which has always loved me, just as he loves all of us, and he put us together for a reason...to be there and show each other how to love and laugh, along with walking through the hard times together, not alone. Never alone again.
I remember when Dominic first started coming around and I have to tell you he is a completely different man today. He wasn't smiling much in the old Saddleback Valley Fellowship, especially when I would be sitting back in Death Row trying to get the meeting on the solution rather than whatever self imposed crisis was being discussed. I also saw him as the light started to enter his eyes and his life became something worth living, one day at a time. Fast forward to just about 2 years ago when my bride and I were visiting SoCal and Dominic had us over for dinner with his bride. We had such a blast...just talking, laughing, sharing our life since we had last seen each other. What a blessing God has given us in each other!
Of course this has just been my experience...yours may be different.
Mike C