ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
テーマ: 「プライドと謙虚さに関するあなたの経験と力と希望を聞かせてください。」
結局のところ、『The Glumlot Letters』という本で素晴らしく定義されているように、罪悪感に2種類の「良い罪悪感」と「悪い罪悪感」があって、プライドにも2種類存在します。最もポピュラーなのは悪いプライドで、自己中心的で自慢気で、自己中心的なプライドであり、自己認識の中では自分自身を他の人よりも大きく、強く、速く、成功していて、よりシラフである etc etc と思い込ませます。悪いプライドで突っ走っているときには、私は適切な身の丈になることができません(私もその経験が多いです)。良いプライドとは自分の業績についてのプライドではありません。それは他人の成功についてであり、私が他人の人生に奉仕したり貢献したりできることについての誇りなのです。
Sober Date 2001年4月2日
Translator : yu
Good Morning ESH:
Thanks Chuck for chairing this week, and for your topic. Congratulations to anyone celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!
Topic: “let's hear your experience strength and hope on Pride vs Humility.
Dominic recovered alcoholic. I have much more experience now on these topics than I did prior to working the 12-steps. As a drunkard, I basked in pride and ego, and I was proud of it! I knew nothing about the word “humility,” which when I got here thought had something to do with humiliation. The clarity I have today on the massive distinction between pride and humility is primarily a result of my 3rd/7th step surrender daily practice. This practice deflates my ego and crushes my pride, it is a necessary practice since my pride and ego rebuild themselves everyday as a result of living here on earth. Pride feeds my ego, and if my ego were still in charge of me instead of God, the ego would opt for a diet strictly of pride, control, self-centeredness, and selfishness. This was much of my condition when I got to AA this time.
On the other hand, we often tell our adult kids we are proud of them as they stay away from trouble and live good lives. I’m also proud of my 2nd marriage to Patty, yet not in the sense of being proud for selfish or self-centered purposes as my achievement of this-- I’m proud because God’s grace brought this woman into my life and with the same grace, used the AA and Biblical principles to change me in a way that I can offer value to our marriage and add to her life.
Turns out, like guilt, of which there are 2 kinds, “good guilt” and “bad guilt” so exquisitely defined in the book “The Glumlot Letters” –- there are also 2 kinds of pride, the most popular is bad pride, selfish, boastful, ego-centric pride which creates delusion in my self-concept of myself of being bigger, stronger, faster, more successful, more sober, etc., etc., than others. I can’t be right-sized when I am running with bad pride (which I also have much experience with). Good pride isn’t about my achievements. It’s about others’ successes and what I can do to serve or add to others’ lives.
Measures of humility seemingly come to me as a by-product of not being prideful, being right-sized, and putting God and others first in my life. The surrender practice I have today helps me to live this way the best I can. Honestly, I could not live this way without having a spiritual awakening as a result of the 12 steps, for I lived opposite of this for a long time! I got here spiritually bankrupt and devoid of any humility.
The Big Book and 12 x12 has much practical knowledge on why pride runs with “vices” and humility with “virtues.” Also, ever step in our 12 steps contains the principle of humility. I used to love vices, now I’d rather pursue virtues. Why? Because virtues draw me closer to God and put me in God’s will, which keep me spiritually fit. Vices move me in the other direction. These days, “when I know better, I do better!” Another influential book for me on pride and humility is The Book of Proverbs, in the Bible. You don’t have to be a Christian to read or benefit from this book of wisdom.
Dominic D.
San Clemente, CA
Amen, Dominic! Thanks for sharing this.
Prayers continue for you & Patty.
By God’s grace my husband Richard is now baptized. Easter was such a powerful and life changing event for us this year. New beginnings!!! God is so awesome!
Take good care, my friend.