Translator : me
Bruce, powerless over alcohol, sober by the grace of God. Oftentimes, we stumble over definitions. We ought not confuse pride with the satisfaction of applying character and effort to the accomplishment of some otherwise worthy goal, such as graduating from college or restoring a classic car. I don't call that sense of accomplishment "pride". I think we should also celebrate milestones of recovery even when we know that we got there with the help of God and our fellow travelers. Those are things we can feel good about without feeling prideful.
Pride is what we feel that causes us to look down on others or puffs ourselves up. We can feel pride without having self-esteem and I had that while drinking: low self-esteem with great pridefulness. The program is an ego-deflating one. That is, it reduces self-centeredness and pride while increasing humility. One can have great peace about their identity, self-worth and confidence without being prideful and that should be the normal outcome of the spiritual awakening of the program. Humility, like sobriety, is a gift. It is a by-product of seeking healthy relationships with people and our Higher Power.