ESH Topic of 12 November '23. - Tony (2023/11/19)  [Home]







『アルコーホリク アノニマス成年に達する』は、書籍置き場用に注文した最初の本の 1 つで、私はそれを読んで、AAの歴史に興味をいだくようになったのです。






Translator : mk

Greetings All

Thank You Mark for your topic, opening share and your observations on your AA journey.

Tony, alcoholic here, grateful to be with you once again.

I arrived at the door of the meeting place of the group closest to home, on a cold, windy and wet evening. My first meeting. I had been introduced to AA through a current affairs TV programme.

Over the next few weeks, I visited several different groups, always centering my visit on the literature table, where I collected free literature, bought a (paperback) Big Book and a locally produced pocket edition of the Twelve Steps. This material was small enough to fit my jacket pocket and I carried them with me to read when the opportunity arose. I used to go out with my colleagues for lunch, and also for after work drinks on the way home. So this time was replaced by studying AA literature, and meetings.

I was fortunate to spend time with several people involved in AA service, and got involved in PIC work. I also volunteered to do literature sales in my home group. Previously boozy nights were replaced by Fellowship 'work'.

AA Comes of Age' was one of the first books I ordered for the group literature table, which I read and became fascinated by the History of AA.

Whenever I visited a new group, I would make the literature table my 'tea-break' stop, chatting with the librarian and collecting literature I hadn't previously seen.

AA history facinates me, and I resolved to find AA linked literature, and enlarge my knowledge as much as possible. The writers of the stories in the Big Book are anonymous at the public level, but information exists about the authors, to be found if interested enough to look.

AA has a way of life that has no end and I am so fortunate to have found this Road to travel on. The more I find to share, the more there is to uncover.

I can't visit groups like I used to, but this group provided the foundation for Fellowship and for Friends worldwide. Thanks for being here for me again this week, reminding me to search in order to find.

Peace and Serenity Tony in Johannesburg.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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