topic - Mike (2023/11/24)  [Home]

マイク・カールソン ... 立ち直ったアルコホーリクです。

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
に新しく来られた仲間、比較的新しい仲間、ようこそ ... 私や他の多くの仲間たちが見つけたように、うまく機能する生き方をあなたがここで見つけられるように願っています。AAの節目を祝うすべての仲間、おめでとうございます!



になってくれました。彼のメッセージは(デニスとは)かなり異なっていました。「良くなりたいのなら、ステップを実践しなければなりません」と。そして、私はステップを実践しました。それは私が望んでいたのでも、あるいはそれが本当に私にとってうまくいくと思っていたわけでもなく、その時の私には他に選択肢が無くて、デイブがそれが私に効くと言ったからでした。驚くべきことに、それは本当に効果があるように思えました!デイブはまた、「意欲・やる気」が意味するものと、やる気の無いアルコホリックがどうなるかを、実例を挙げて教えてくれました。アリゾナに引っ越してから6か月後、彼はアルコールと処方薬の過剰摂取で亡くなりました ... 彼はミーティングに行かなくなり、背中の怪我からもっともらしく薬の自己処方を始め、その上にアルコールを加えてしまったのです。

に恵まれ、シラフでいる方法や、AAの原理を日常生活に実践することを教わりました ... テックス・H には彼がソーバーのまま亡くなるまで、その後はマイク・Mc、そして現在は デイヴ・F などです。それぞれが自分の経験と力と希望を分かち合ってくれ、どうすれば神の道に従ったシラフの人間になれるかを教えてくれました ... それは私が「飲酒のキャリア」の頃には望んではいなかったものの、今日では大切にしてることです。願わくば、私が他の仲間たちに伝えるものも、同様のものであることを望みます。



Sober Date 1989/8/17

Translator : yu

Mike Carlson...recovered alcoholic,

Welcome to anyone who is new or relatively new to AA or to ESH... I hope you find here what I and many others have found, a way of living which works. Congratulations to any and all celebrating an AA milestone!!!

Thanks Nancy for the topic this week of: "who has helped you get sober and who has been meaningful and instrumental in keeping you sober?"

I got sober this time in Orange County, CA where there were about 2200 meetings weekly and the message I heard clearly was "go to meetings until you want to go to meetings, then go to meetings". I know today that wasn't being shared my all, but that's what I heard. So that's what I did...3-5 meetings every day, 7 days a week. And I had a man, Dennis P, who was directed by his sponsor to be my sponsor. Dennis was a great guy and showed me love and acceptance, even giving me a job in early sobriety for awhile. But the message I heard from Dennis was "take your time Mike, you didn't get sick overnight and you aren't going to get well overnight" and for a chronic alcoholic like me just not drinking and going to meetings took me to a bottom that I needed to hit.

When I bottomed out in the rooms of AA Dave K was there and became my next sponsor until he moved to AZ about 9 months later. His message was quite a bit different..."If you want to get better you're going to have to work the Steps". And so I did. Not because I wanted to, nor did I think it was really going to work for me, but because I really had no other choice at the time and Dave said it would work for me. To my amazement it really did seem to work! Dave also taught me by example what willingness meant and what would happen to an alkie who didn't stay willing. 6 months after moving to AZ he was dead of and alcohol/pill overdose...he had stopped going to meetings and started to self-medicate with pills from a legitimate back injury then added alcohol on top of that.

Since that time I have had a number of sponsors that have taught me how to stay sober and place the AA principles into my daily life...Tex H until he passed on sober, Mike Mc after that and currently Dave F to name a few. Each has shared their experience, strength and hope with me and shared how to be a sober man of God... something I never wanted in my "drinking career", but cherish today. Hopefully what I pass on to others is something similar.

Of course this has just been my experience...yours may be different.


Mike C

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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