Re: ESH Topic Week of November 19 - Ellen (2023/11/25)  [Home]
Re: 11月19日の週のトピック

おはようございます - アルコホリックのエレンです。私は、今日、ソーバーで生きていることにとても感謝しています。


スティーブ・C は、わずか数年のソーバーですが、すでに私にとって強い手本です。彼は、精神疾患(統合失調症)を抱えて生きていながら、厳しい正直さを持っています。そしてAAにおいて無神論者の立場にあったのです。一人でソーバーのままでいることができて、私たちに与えられたこの人生で、二つの健康のための方法に参加しています。あの日、私が会った二人は、もはやこの世にはいません…一人の男は、私が結婚するはずだった、ロドニー・W もう一人は彼の
ローランド・D 。ロドニーもまた私に見せてくれました。-PTSDという精神を衰弱させる病気と末期的病気を抱えながら、ソーバーでいることができました。ローランドは、AAのメッセージを運ぶ素晴らしい手本でした。そして他の仲間に対して24/7、死ぬ前の昏睡状態になる前の日までさえ、




Translator : kj

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Thank you for the topic, Nancy. Not sure how I'm going to get through this share without crying, so we'll see. Yesterday, I went to two meetings, shared at each, cried each time. Good cry, just emotional. Never know when it's going to happen.

So many who were instrumental in my early days of sobriety are no longer here. In the group of guys standing outside smoking, who watched this scared but determined alcoholic walk across the parking lot, only one is left... Steve C has quite a few sober years ahead of me, but he has been and still is a strong example to me that with rigorous honesty while living with a mental illness (schizophrenia) and even being an atheist in AA, one can remain sober and engage in healthy ways in this life we are given. Two others I met that day are no longer with us... the man I was to marry, Rodney W and his sponsor, Roland D. Rodney also showed me that one could get and stay sober while dealing with a debilitating mental illness - PTSD, as well as a terminal illness. He was a wonderful example of carrying the message of AA and being of service to others, 24/7, even up to the day before he went into a coma before he died. Roland was the Native American shaman who helped me get acquainted with and make a connection with my Higher Power... he introduced me to his Creator, Great Spirit, the Great Mystery. I met my current sponsor Cindy P at two weeks sober. She has been by my side through all of the really tough stuff that life was going to throw at me. She walked me through the steps, helps me keep things simple and in today, and she sends me a medallion every year on my AA anniversary. Last year, she sent me her famous homemade carrot cake and cream cheese frosting, too!

Today, I have new AA mentors who are wonderful examples of who I wish to be like and who guide me in their loving, albeit firm, ways. They are available whenever I call and are so willing to share their experience and wisdom. Maybe, even a walk in the forest or a cup of coffee! However, first and foremost is my Higher Power... the God-of-my-understanding-today... the One I wanted to believe out of existence when I didn't realize He had lovingly been there all along... He who removed the desire to drink and blessed me with sobriety... He who gently nudged me back to AA... and, He who keeps me sober one day at a time. I am truly grateful for them all!
Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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