Members who have helped me - Bruce (2023/11/26)  [Home]

1976年12月29日、私は台所の壁にもたれながら電話をかけようとしていました。ダイヤルを操作するにはあまりにも酔っていて、私はほぼ呆然と立っていました。そのとき電話が鳴りました。私の取り乱した妻が私の様子を確認するためにかけてきたのでした。AAに電話しなきゃ、と私は言ったけれども、この電話の使い方がわからない。数分後、ダン・Rという仲間から電話がかかってきました。「お前はミーティングに行くにはあまりにも酔っている」と彼は言いました。それを受けて私は彼に対して、彼の家族の血統や性格、そして職業的な能力について、強い口調で査定する言葉を投げかけました。「ミーティングには自分で車を運転して行けるから、君の助けは必要ないよ」と彼に伝えました。ダンは私を社会に放つことは得策ではないと考え、だから7:00 PMまでにミーティングに行く準備をしておくようにと言いました。身なりを整えることは苦痛で、頭はぼーっとしていました。ダンはきっかり時間通りに現れ、彼と一緒に1年間

の中で親しい友達がいます。この友達はこのグループ (
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
) について私に教えてくれた人で、私は彼の信仰と


Translator : yu

December 29, 1976, I stumbled to the kitchen wall phone and tried to dial for help. Too drunk to operate the dial I stood there in a near stupor when the phone rang. It was my frantic wife calling to check on me. I need to call AA, I said, but I can't work this phone. In a few moments, a fellow named Dan R. called. "You're too drunk to go to a meeting," he said, whereupon I gave him a strongly worded assessment of his heritage, character and professionalism. "I can drive myself to a meeting, I don't need your help", I told him. Dan thought better than to unleash me on society and so told me to be ready by 7:00 PM. Getting cleaned up was agonizing and my brain was fried. Dan was right on time and he brought a younger member with him that had a year of sobriety. They briefly explained what AA was all about, that they intended to take me to a meeting and promised to return me later that evening. They called Dan's wife and arranged for her to come by to talk to my wife about Alanon. The thing that most impressed me about these three individuals was that they cared enough about us to spend that much effort trying to help us. At the time I had no friends and could not look myself in the mirror. Dan and Jim McK. and a few other men whose names I cannot recall now, helped me make it through those terrible first two weeks. Together they took me to several meetings. I seriously thought I might croak at any time and when I mentioned this Dan would respond "If you do you have only yourself to blame" or "If you do it's your own d*** fault". I thought that was very uncaring but I knew AA was the last house on the block and these were the guys they sent me.

Shortly, I asked Jim to be my sponsor and he was for about 5 years, helping me work through the steps in my first year. We parted ways when we disagreed about how to deal with my divorce. My next sponsor liked to scream and rant whenever I called him which I was not able to deal with. Much later I thought I had found a sponsor in a man with 30 years. He did help me for a while but it soon became apparent that he was a true misogynist and I was having trouble being under his authority. Eventually, I said something to him that caused him to storm off never to be seen again. So, while I most certainly believe in accountability and sponsorship as spiritual tools I have not been very successful at establishing those relationships. Instead, I have gotten help from many members as they shared in meetings or afterward, from the many friends I've been fortunate to make in AA who took the time to listen to my issues on a case-by-case basis and some spiritual mentors that I have had in church. At the present time, I have a close friend in the program, someone who told me about this group, whose faith and program I highly respect and who is someone I can call when I need to talk something over. I don't share all this as a recommendation but it is my experience.

Back in 1980 when I had 4 years in the program my father died leaving me pretty devastated, particularly since he and I were just becoming close. I was at a clubhouse trying to talk through my turmoil when a very distraught tearful woman came in. She was one day sober and her husband had just been murdered in a barfight the night before. I thought to myself "This is horrible having to deal with all this and stay sober too". Because of my AA experience, I immediately began a gratitude list for my own case. I find if I stay close to sober healthy spiritual people, in AA and church, and have my daily devotions and prayer I think I do pretty well. Then too, my wife has over 40 years in the program and if she sees me veer off the road to happy destiny too far she has no qualms about helping me out. I have come to accept that she is very often the instrument God uses to get my attention.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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