Attraction rather than promotion - Mark (2023/11/30)  [Home]











Translator : kj


I'm Mark and I'm an alcoholic. Congratulations Pam on your anniversary! Glad you are back. I'm a retread also and when I returned to the fold of AA someone who welcomed me back said that just as alcoholism is progressive, so is recovery. Yes, I had to start from scratch but also could build on my prior understanding of the principles and literature.... and how to get involved and fellowship with others.

And thanks for the topic of the 11th tradition: how we shouldn’t feel the need to promote ourselves but rather let others recommend us. For me there’s three aspects of anonymity. There’s the initial level of providing a sense of security and privacy where we can share our experience and struggles, protected from the shame and stigma of being an alcoholic.. Then there’s the public level, which is meant to protect the organization and fellowship from outside influences and pressures so we can stay true to the primary purpose of AA: staying sober and helping others achieve sobriety.

But for me there’s a third thing that is eluded to in the 12th tradition: that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, reminding us to place principles (values) before personalities (egos). In other words, anonymity can help us with the on-going challenge of staying right-sized and humble.

Recently I was reading obituaries about someone who was well known and who was in and out of the rooms. A newspaper published an essay by someone who broke their anonymity to share about this person and how important AA was to them both. Someone in a meeting mentioned how upset they were about it. I admit I shrugged.

When I was doing my field research on whether I could control my drinking and drug intact, I still had enough residual AA in my head to think “I’m an alcoholic and probably if I don’t die I’ll come back to AA… but right now I don’t have that desire not to drink.” And during that period I would hear about various celebrity types— musicians, actors, other famous folks— who were in and out of rehabs….and I knew in and out of the rooms of AA. In that way, AA was like an open secret that everyone knows about but is still under the radar.

In a way they inspired me since in some cases it was obvious that it was working. I thought “if this person can get sober, maybe I can too”. Sometimes, though, they didn’t make it and crashed and burned. But I didn’t ever think “it’s because AA doesn’t work” because I knew it had worked for me before.

I like being part of a “secret society” that’s around the world and has special lingo and codes like “friends of Bill” or phrases like “Easy does it.” And I like the concept of attraction rather than promotion, since the way of the world is to push yourself, your product, your service, on others. But also being anonymous is a bit like the old idea of doing random (secret) acts of kindness with no agenda or need for recognition. Anyhow, thanks again for the topic, Pam, and thanks everyone for your anonymity, which helps me stay sane and sober today.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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