If God Is Everything, Then... - Dominic (2023/7/2)  [Home]
神が全てであるならば ...

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

の53ページ「アルコホリックになった時、私たちは先延ばしも回避にもできない自らに招いた危機に押しつぶされた。 神がすべてであるか、あるいは神が無であるかという命題に、私たちは恐れずに立ち向かわなければならなかった。」

回復中のアルコホリックのドミニクです。私はいつも、イエス・キリストを通して、唯一の神を信じてきました。私はカトリック教徒として育ったので、その世界観に早くから傾倒していました。私が神から離れ始めたのは、10代前半の頃で、それは社会的な背景や影響に引きずられてのことでした。ティーンエイジャーになる頃には、私は 酒を飲み、いたずらをするようになり、世の中に流されるようになりました。何も逃したくないと思うようになりました。アルコールは欲望を刺激する魔法の薬でした、セックス、ドラッグ、ロックンロール......それらは私の人生からそう遠くないところにありました。高校時代には、"気持ちいいならやればいい "という哲学を持ったガールフレンドもいて、我々はその通りにしたものです。私は自分の人生において、神の優先順位をぐっと下げましたが、それでも自分や家族がトラブルに巻き込まれたり、病気にかかったりするたびに、神に手を差し伸べて祈りました。そのときはわかりませんでしたが、私のイエスに対する概念は、"狐の穴のようなイエス" に縮こまっていて、私は自分で作り出したトラブルから救ってくれるために、頼りにしていましたが、しかし、当時はそれを見ることも受け入れることもできませんでした。

27年間酒を飲み続け、神から離れて生きてきた私は、人生のどん底にいました。私は、「自己憐憫の苦い泥沼を感じ、流砂が四方に広がっていた」という、ビルの物語の体験談に共感しました。自分も同じだ。私は自分の飲酒問題について否認してきた厚い層をはがし始めたとき、自分の運命の相手に出会ったように感じました。ソーバーになって30日から60日目のステップ2で、私はこんな疑問にぶつかりました。神はすべてなのか、それとも無なのか?私にとっては、神がすべてであることは明らかで、神のいない人生は、私が感じていることよりもさらにひどい災難だと思ったものです。しかしその当時は、この問いの奥深さを、現在のようには理解することはできませんでした: この問いかけは、ステップ2の一回限りの問いかけではありません。それは私が繰り返し立ち返らなければならない問いかけであり、とりわけ神に、私の人生における最優先の関係であり続けてほしいのであれば、なおさらそうなのです。



Dominic D.
San Clemente, CA

Translator : yu

Good Afternoon ESH!

Thanks Louise for chairing this week and for your fine longevity example of recovery! Congratulations to Louise on 51 years of sobriety!! Congratulations to anyone else celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: “On page 53 of our Big Book ‘When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed crisis we could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything or God is nothing. God either is or He isn't. What was our choice to be?’”

Dominic recovered alcoholic. For me, I’ve always believed in one God in and through Jesus Christ. I grew up Catholic, so I was oriented to this worldview early on. It was in my pre-teen years that I began to move away from God, pulled in by the social contexts and influences in my life. By the time I was a teenager, I was drinking, getting into more mischief, and became more a product of the world and not wanting to miss out anything. Alcohol was sort of a magical elixir fueling these desires--sex, drugs, rock n roll, wasn’t far from how I conducted my life. In high school, I even had a girlfriend who had a philosophy of “if it feels good, do it,” and we did! I moved God way down in priority in my life, yet reached out and prayed to God whenever I or a family member was in trouble or inflicted with a disease. I couldn’t see it then, but my conception of Jesus had shrunken down to a “fox-hole Jesus” that I relied upon to get me out of troubles I created for myself, yet couldn’t see nor accept that back then.

After 27 years of drinking and living apart from God, I was at the lowest point in my life. I identified with Bill’s story about his experience with feeling “the bitter morass of self-pity. Quicksand stretched around me on all sides.” I too, had seemed to have met my match as I began to peel away the thick layers of denial about my drinking problem. Back then, newly sober for 30- 60 days, on step 2, I encountered this question about whether God is everything or He was nothing? For me, it was obvious he was everything, since a life without God I saw as an even worse disaster than what was I feeling. Yet, then, I couldn’t see the profundity of this question as I do now: it is not a one time, step 2 question. It is a question I must return to repeatedly, especially if I want God to be and to stay as the top priority relationship in my life.

For many 24 hours I’ve seen it this way: if God is everything, than I cannot be everything. If I attribute my spiritual awakening to God using AA, my sponsor, and the fellowship as vessels, than why would I not want to learn all I can about God? And, I have to the best of my ability. Early on I learned that the true context in Bill’s story on creating my own conception of God which was used by Bill, was actually related to Bill’s resentment against God at that time (“The word God still aroused a certain antipathy.” – Big Book, page 12). And Bill used this approach as a building block method to begin to commence spiritual growth, not to use his imagination to make up a God in his mind that would have power enough to expel his alcoholism. An obscured fact yet not well known is that both Bill and Bob were brought up with a Christian worldview upbringing, and as adults were both Christians, which for me is insightful.

God is everything to me means He is and remains large and in charge of my life because I remain willing to continue to seek God and align my will to His Will (step 3 practice of surrender) as best I can each day. And, I continue to practice the 12-step principles (which I believe are God-centered), in all of my affairs the best that I can each day. For me, I realize that without God, I am nothing. For many years I didn’t believe this. Today I know that all meaning in my life comes from God, and if I try to create meaning for created things, including my life based upon my humanity solely apart from God, that only leads to chaos and delusion.

Dominic D.
San Clemente, CA

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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