ESH topic Aug 4 - Nancy (2024/8/10)  [Home]


変化こそが人生そのものであることは間違いありません! 私は以下のように変わりました:

に出入りする人たちも、オールドタイマー と同じくらい私に導きを与えてくれたのです。

私の人生では変化が続いており、それでOKです! ずっと近くに住んでいた娘がコロラドに引っ越しました。私の義理の娘が薬物の過剰摂取で亡くなりました。私の

私は幸せで満足しています! 自分の人生がどれほど良いもので、実際にどれほど幸せであるかを実感しています。それは偽りの幸せではありません。



Translator : yu

I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.

Change is definitely what life is all about! I went from being:
- the scrawny preteen with thick glasses growing up in New Orleans
- to the fun-loving college sorority girl who drank with my friends
- to the alcoholic-in-the-closet mom married to a controlling psychologist
- to the divorced sober lady who married a rancher
- to the comfortable in my own (wrinkled) skin woman I am today.

OK, I tend to blame all my drinking issues on my first husband, but I've learned to accept responsibility for being an alcoholic. I've CHANGED! AA and the people I've met in the program have guided me to sobriety and helped me stay clean. Interestingly, the people who didn't stay sober or who keep popping in and out of the program have guided me as much as the old timers.

Things keep changing in my life and I'm ok with that! My daughter who has always lived near me moved to Colorado. My stepdaughter died of a drug overdose. My sponsor moved across country. My niece is mad at me for unknown reasons. My old cat got eaten by coyotes. My new cat gets along with my husband's Ausie. My husband had a scary heart issue and had to have surgery. I joined a Rec Center that has lots of people who are different from me. I switched churches. I resigned from a volunteer job that was to stressful. You get the idea -Things change!

I am happy and content! I mean that I actually notice how good my life is and how really happy I am! It's not fake-happy.

AND, you understand why: I'm sober by the grace of my HP and all y'all! AA changed me. Life changes, other stuff happens, but here I am!

Thanks for letting me share.
Nancy Shaw

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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