ESH-share on topic - Louise (2023/12/30)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

の日付は 1972年6月30日です。

数か月の間、ただ飲まないで、多くのミーティングに参加するだけの日々が過ぎ、そして霧が晴れ、再び思考し、感じるようになり、もう自分を殺したくはないと気づきました。今の私には希望があり、生きたいと思いました。それはとても素晴らしい気づきの瞬間でした。今、私の人生には新しい「力」があり、それは私自身から来たものではなかったのです。それに頼り、私の思考や行動を導くことができる「力」がありました ... 私が彼を受け入れるならばです。


シラフの新年をおめでとう ... 今日一日!

Translator : yu

Thank you, Jeff for chairing this week and for your long membership to ESH.

My name is Louise, recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety date is June 30, 1972. Long before sobriety, I had a moment of clarity or as I now would call it, a spiritual experience. I was awake at the birth of my son and for a few moments, I absolutely knew that I had not "made" that baby! I felt the presence of the Creator and was filled with joy. I am only sad that it didn't last but it created a strong and lasting bond between my son and I. He loved me even when I was a "wretched drunk" (his words) and was grateful when I finally became available in his life.

After a few months of just not drinking and going to many, many meetings, the fog lifted, and I started to think and feel again and realized that I didn't want to kill myself anymore. That I now had some hope and wanted to live. That was a very good moment of clarity. That I now had a new Power in my life and it was not coming from me. A Power in which I could rely on and could and would direct my thoughts and actions...if only I would let Him.

Accepting that my purpose would always be to stay sober and help other alcoholics brought me a lasting moment of clarity and peace of mind.

Happy New Sober New day at a time!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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