「ラクダの背中を折った最後の一本の藁」という古くからの言い回しがありますよね…。はい、わかってます、これは元の表現じゃないけど、最近はこう使われています。これまでの人生で、私は大きなトラブルに対して冷静かつ実践的に対処しているようだと言われてきました。でも、実は違うんです、親愛なる人よ。私は幼い頃に、自動操縦モードで生きること、つまり解離という対処法を学びました。また、すぐに必要でないもの、つまり浮き草のような無駄なものは全て切り捨てていました。大きな危機に直面している時には、余計なものは全部捨て去るのです。でも、小さなことが積み重なって、最後の一本の藁になることがよくあります。そしてその時は要注意です。やるべきことが多すぎて、次から次へと挑戦(大小問わず)が続くと、息をつく間もなく、私は簡単に絶望感や最悪のシナリオに陥ってしまいます。今の新しいガジェットや技術は、一方では生活を便利にしてくれますが、一方では複雑にもします。そんな時こそ「切り捨てる」ことが役に立ちます!笑 シンプルに保つことが大事ですね。
Sober Date 2003年1月21日
Translator : yu
Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.
There is that old saying, 'the straw that broke the camel's back'... I know, I know... this is not the original, but it is what we use, these days. Over the years, I have been told that I seem to handle life's major upsets with calm and practicality. O contraire, mi cherie. I learned at an early age the coping strategy of going on auto-pilot, dissociation. I would also jettison the flotsam and jetsam... anything that was not pertinent to the immediate crisis. It's the little things that tend to accumulate and become the last straw... then, watch out. With too much to take care of and without breathing room between the challenges (big or small), I can easily slide into hopelessness and worst-case scenario. Today's newfangled gadgets and technology can make life easier on one hand, but more complex on the other. This is when jettisoning comes in handy! lol. Keep it simple.
The AA program has taught me several ways to help manage this stuff, not so much if it happens, but when it happens, because it's gonna happen. HALT and the Serenity Prayer are my go-tos, with the greatest and strongest reliance on my Higher Power. He directs my focus into doing the next indicated thing (small as it may be), which ends up being the next right thing. I may not have a clear path as to the how and when something will work out... but, it always does. Even if it ends up that I must just let it go. Or, do nothing for the time being. Sometimes, God's direction leads to talking with others... a friend, a mentor, my sponsor, a spiritual advisor, or a doctor... there are many others far wiser than me who I believe God puts in my life... and sometimes, it means hiring a professional to do what I cannot. As one of my mentors regularly reminds me, self-care is not negotiable. It is only then that I can take care of everything else in a healthy way.
And, I stay sober.
Thank you for letting me share.
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03