Re: Topic Week of 10/15/23 - Ellen (2023/10/21)  [Home]
Re: 10月15日の週間トピック



AAは私に「生きるためのデザイン(設計書)」を与えてくれて、ミーティング会場で私は自分なりに理解する神に出会いました ... 私にソーバーの祝福を与えてくれた神様です。私が何年もかけて学んだことは、AAと仲間は万能薬ではないということです。AAは一つの生き方かもしれませんが、「私の」生き方ではありません。AAの構造、基盤、
とのつながりは、私に人生の全てを与えてくれました。神の導きによって、私はその人生を生きるために必要な行動を起こさなければなりませんでした。ミーティング会場にいる仲間たちは、私の「外の問題」との葛藤を聞きたがらず、そして、会場の中でも外でも、私が他の人に助けを求めたのはほんの数回だけでした ... 本当に困ったときに、私は仲間の助けを受けられませんでした。そこで

をすることができる、ミーティング会場へと私を導いてくれました。私は愛する人や友人、自分の幼少期 ... すべてを失って悲嘆に暮れなければなりませんでした。その悲しみは電球のようにスイッチを切れるわけではありません。腫瘍は私の世界観と、その後の58年間の対処の仕方に影響を与えました。そして今、



ソーバー日付 2003/1/21

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Lisa, your topic share resonates very deeply with me. Thank you.

Alcoholics Anonymous has given me "a design for living" and in these rooms I have met the God-of-my-understanding... the God who has blessed me with sobriety. What I have learned over the years is that AA and the fellowship are not a panacea. AA may be a way of life, but it is not My Life. The structure, foundation, connection with a Higher Power have all given me a life. With God's guidance, I must then take the action necessary to live that life. People in the rooms do not want to hear my struggles with 'outside issues' and the few times I have asked for help from others, both inside and outside the rooms... when the chips were really down, I didn't receive it. Enter my Higher Power. Not knowing what to do, I would plead for direction. I have been given the strength and the guidance to go against the grain, so-to-speak. Not knowing I was battling uphill against a brain tumor, I did not regularly attend meetings for upwards of eight years. I continued the spiritual way of life that I internalized from doing all the right things during the early years of my sobriety, even as I declined and slowed down. Not everyone was in agreement with what I could do and not do. My sponsor stuck by my side throughout and was never critical, always encouraging. She has consistently said, as long as I was sober for today, I was doing something right.

After the tumor was diagnosed and removed, I began a very difficult road of recovery in mental, emotional and physical health. My HP directed me to doctors, spiritual advisors, days in bed, physical effort and eventually, back to the rooms where I could engage once again with people and be of service in ways that I was familiar with and knew worked. I have had to grieve the loss of loved ones, friends, my childhood... all in one big ball of mess. It is not like I can switch it off like a light bulb. The tumor had affected how I saw the world and how I subsequently coped for fifty-eight years. And now, HP is directing my doctors in my continued care, suggesting medications, a consultation with a neurologist and continued mental health therapy. I have to accept that I can only do so much in the way of service and have pared down my meeting attendance, how much I schedule for one day, and am learning to say no by way of prioritizing my self-care amongst my service to others. I require a lot of rest in all ways. I have begun the ACA program alongside my husband on the advice of AA mentors, spiritual advisors and my psychologist. That has become another avenue for unburdening the soul, another path of healing, in congruence with the AA program. It's not easy and it's exhausting, but I am making progress. I have faith today that God continues to guide and give strength when I do not know where this is going to lead and what I am going to have to walk through to get there. Quite the lesson for staying in today! Even with the weighty knowledge that there are additional tumors lurking in other areas of my brain.

And, through it all, I have stayed sober. I have a rich life, today. Even when I cry during my shares and on days when I stay in bed. The self-wielding hammer has been put down and I refuse to allow anyone including myself to pick it up and use it, again. It is only by God's grace that I am sober, back in the rooms, able to serve others, and honoring the life I have been blessed with. The answers aren't always in the rooms. The answers ARE always with our Higher Power.

This is only my experience. Yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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