humor - Dorothy (2024/4/3)  [Home]









Translator : mk

Hi ESH friends,

I'm grateful to be with you for another meeting. Thanks, Dominic, for your service and great lead. HAPPY 23rd, my friend!

Humor is such a gift.

Prior to sobriety I used it as a defense mechanism... the class clown - putting on the face of someone who wasn't falling apart inside. Pretending life was a joke. As I hit my bottom I was finding it harder and harder to find much humor in anything, because I knew I was dying and would traumatize my beautiful children's lives.

Thank God I made it to the rooms. At first, I was so serious about AA... I knew it was a lifeline and I'd better "do it right"... and I was afraid to make any missteps. I knew it was life or death... It had been ages since I'd felt lighthearted enough to laugh at life.

I remember one day early on in an AA club room where i attended meetings during the day. It was the meeting before the meeting and a few crusty old guys were schmoozing together and I couldn't help overhearing one of them saying something about the bar he used to frequent smelling like boiled eggs and farts... and that silly statement made me break out in a belly laugh like none other. I think I was just ready... to let go enough to know it was OK to laugh ... I didn't have to take myself so seriously anymore.

Today when things get serious around me - and they do - I try to shift my perspective, imagine silly outcomes - talk to another friend who always makes me smile... maybe watch a comedy... and trust that the last laugh hasn't been laughed yet. That's going to be the big one!!!!!

peace & love,

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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