The Family Afterward - Bruce (2024/3/15)  [Home]


私がソーバーになった時に1歳だった娘は ... 私が私がミーティングに行くときに私の足を掴んで、行かないように懇願したものでした。私はできるだけシンプルに愛情を込めて、私が少しの間出かけなければならないということを彼女に説明し、必ず戻ってくると約束をしました。家に帰ると、彼女が起きているかどうかを見るために彼女の部屋に立ち寄り、もし彼女が起きていたら彼女を抱きしめました。回復の取り組みで行ったことをしなかったら、彼女の人生に参加できなくなることを知っていました。彼女が成長するにつれて、ミーティング以外の場所に出かける際には、どんなときでも彼女を連れて行くことを心掛けました。元の配偶者が去った後も、夏季には彼女を引き取り、新しい妻の助けを借りて子供の養育費を支払い続けました。今日、私たちは彼女と非常に仲が良く、以前の妻に対して決して悪口を言わず、私の娘は母親が彼女と一緒に過ごしたすべての年月においてどのように振る舞ったかをよく理解しています。これは私が選んだ道ではありませんでしたが、それは私の飲んでいた過去の複雑さと

Translator : yu

My wife was introduced to Al Anon when I came into A.A. You would think she would be ecstatic and embrace the program that brought me such new life but you would be wrong. After 3 months she quit going to meetings declaring that I was, after all, the alcoholic. Whether or not she was resentful of my A.A. life I'll never know but she did continue to find fault with me for whatever faults I had left at the time. The more I grew the more uncomfortable she became until one day she left, saying I was somehow keeping her from realizing her full potential. When she demanded a divorce I went through a difficult time questioning my sobriety. I felt very betrayed. I got through the self-pity and took a rigorous inventory of my part in the dissolution of the marriage and stayed close to my friends in A.A. and church. Thankfully, sanity prevailed, and I moved on, eventually remarrying. I met my second wife in the program and we have been together for over 40 years and raised 3 daughters together. We both work our programs, as individuals and as partners. That has not been a problem for us.

As for my daughter who was one year old when I got sober...she used to grab hold of my leg as I left for meetings begging me not to go. I explained to her as simply and lovingly as I could that I HAD to leave for a short time but I would always return. When I got home I would stop by her room to see if she were awake and if so, would hug her. I knew if I didn't do what I did in recovery I would not be able to be in her life at all. As she grew I made a point to take her with me whenever and wherever I left the house for other than meetings. After my ex left, I continued to keep her in the summers and pay child support with the help of my new wife. Today, we are very close to her and without ever speaking ill of my former wife to her, my daughter is well aware of how her mother behaved all the years she lived with her. This was not a path I would have chosen but it was a complication of my drinking past and the program and God helped me navigate it successfully.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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