2025年の4日目、 シラフの日をおめでとうございます。
毎日、今日一日だけ、私は霊的な健康を維持しなければなりません — 後退を避け成長したいなら、もっと運動とストレッチをする必要があります。
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巧妙で、不可解で、強力な自己満足が忍び寄ってきました(実際には飛びかかってきた)— それは、私が知っている重要な教訓に基づいて行動することを忘れたときに起こりました。AAは、行動することで正しい考え方に導かれることを教えてくれましたが、このアルコホリックである私は、ただ自分が知っていることを思い出すだけで、実際には行動せずに、今日一日を乗り切れると思っていたのです。
Translator : yu
Happy Sober 4th day of 2025.
This disease is cunning, baffling and powerful.
I knew that.
One day at a time, everyday, I must maintain spiritual fitness - more exercise and stretching, if I want to grow and not risk going backwards.
I knew that.
I need to suit up and show up. Be in the fellowship. Be honest.
Recovery Fellowship (Unity) Service
check check check
Cunning, baffling and powerful complacency sneaked up on me (pounced, actually) when I forgot to act on important lessons that I knew. AA taught me to act my way into right thinking, but this alcoholic thought I could think, one day at time, by just reminding myself of what I knew but not remembering to DO - to ACT.
Because it was the right thing to do, I went to France to take care of my son, after he had a major surgery. I was in a little village, isolated, alone most of the time when not carrying tea or working for my son, and for over a month. Did I line up a break? No. Did I reach out to you to line up support? No. Did I share with you at the group level or write some of you individually, sharing honestly about my stinking thinking showing up? No.
When did I get cured? I didn't.
Everyday, we must follow - align - Be the principles, as best we can, in and throughout the 12th steps. "WE" includes me. I didn't drink, but my thinking tripped me up, depriving me of some sunshine of the spirit.
I'm back, acting my way into right thinking by writing honestly, reminding me that I'm still an alcoholic, and I still need to take my medicine
- not just half of it (or less!).
Grateful for a new day - every day.
Always I begin again.
Grateful to be back trudging in a brighter place, with you all, in the sunshine of the spirit,