Topic - sober today and evolving - Dave (2024/3/31)  [Home]
トピック - 今日のソーバーとこれまでの進化




モーズリー バージニア州から愛と平和を込めて


Translator : me

Hi, everyone. My name is Dave and I am an alcoholic. Thanks for the lead and topic, Peter. Welcome to all and congrats to AA (and HP!) for any milestones we celebrate this week, like Peter’s 32 years of continuous sobriety. The program works!

I stopped drinking because the booze quit working. I was utterly baffled when $700 with of beer and liquor failed to produce anything more than repeated trips to the urinal. I never intended to stop. I didn’t know if it was possible, and it surely wasn’t what I wanted. But having stopped, and having my life’s failures and drunken detours spelled out for me, I “volunteered” to go to treatment before the Navy ordered me to go. While there, I experimented with prayer, went to LOTS of meetings, and didn’t drink. Later, as my head cleared a bit, I was told to “Trust God, clean house, and work with others.” These six things remain the foundation of my commitment to staying sober — and much more. The program has been distilled for me to gratitude and service. And the tools I have found and the faith I have embraced have enabled me to face whatever life has presented. I’ll admit to still feeling sorry for myself from time to time, or trying to reckon with the “wreckage of the future,” but not as often as I used to.

Tonight, Terri and I attended our usual Saturday night meeting. At the start of the meeting, anyone new is invited to introduce themselves. No one spoke up. The chair settled on the 1st Step as a topic and half way through the shares a fellow said he was new to AA and this was his 6th day without a drink. The shares and his presence (and watching him nodding as he listened intently to others) helped keep it all green for me all these years after I set that empty glass on the bar at the Sheraton Waikiki.

Love and peace from Moseley, VA,

David Wray

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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