Re: Lead for Oct. 8 - Heather (2023/10/9)  [Home]
Re: 10月8日のリード










にある「ジェイ ウォーカー(向う見ずに道を横断する輩)」のような悪循環が繰り返されるのです。人と人とのつながりが恋しいので、また、ミーテイングに出るようになります。精神には、仲間意識の身体的・霊的な相互作用が必要なのです。脳天のど真ん中にあるアルコホーリクという病気のせいで、考え方がみんな古臭いものになってしまうのです。そのため、事が起こったように人生を生きる私がソーバーであり続けるために、仲間とのつながりは、なくてはならないものなのです。

・「今日を新たに」・「ビルはこう思う。」を読んでいたのを、まったくやらなくなってしまったので、また読むようにしました。私の物忘れは、いつでも発動してしまうので、タブレットのリマインダーを設置するようにしました。リマインダーが出る前に、書籍を読む時間だと、脳が認識するようになりました。脳を鍛えているのです。 (^^



Translator : mk

Hello All,

I'm Heather an alcoholic. Thank you Debbie for your service to the group and topic lead.


Unfortunately, in the past, I have replaced drinking with retail therapy and smoking cigarettes more than my norm.

In the last couple years, I am drinking way too much coffee and smoking more than my norm again. In the last year, I started overeating until I feel extremely uncomfortable and bloated and then I sleep. I'm using sleep on a regular basis to take a break from reality, which has really been pretty awful for about 7 years.

I figured out that overeating to the extent that I'm doing creates enough physical discomfort that it takes my thought processes out of the now and forces my thoughts on my physical discomfort instead of my psychological pain. Overeating also takes away all my physical energy and makes me sleepy because my digestive system is using that energy to digest the huge amount of food I consumed.

Soda and potato chips were my new replacement. So, I now only allow myself 1-2 sodas a day and the long-term goal is 1-2 sodas a week. In the last month, I have returned to drinking more water, Gatorade, lemonade and juices. I have reduced my portion sizes and stopped having a full meal right before bed, which was a sandwich, potato chips and a Coke. I allow myself 1 free day a week to eat what I want. I can tell it's working because the dryer is no longer shrinking my clothes...... (^^

I am switching to half-caff and I'm going to try and quit smoking again, tomorrow. I am a type A personality and wound pretty tight so someone like me should not be drinking the amount of caffeine I'm drinking. I've tried many times to quit cigarettes, which I can do, but it's maintaining that quit that I struggled with. I know what to expect and I have my nicotine replacement plan ready.

I used to walk almost every day but that stopped due to circumstances beyond my control. However, I am going to incorporate some basic yoga exercises that I used to do years ago for my back and get an exercise bike or treadmill. I've always been a fairly physically active person even when I was drinking but that too declined over the last 7 years.

I used to go to face-to-face meetings on a semi-regular basis but I haven't been to one since our move from the west coast to the east coast 7 years ago. Online AA has been my lifeline, which I don't stay put in either. I'm like the person that needs medication to survive but once I'm feeling ok then I go off my medication and get sick again. The same is true for me with attending and being involved in the AA Fellowship. Even sober, I can get sick psychologically and spiritually so my life becomes completely unmanageable especially when I'm isolating and trying to live the AA program on my own. That pain forces me back to meetings and then I start getting better and then my meeting attendance drops for various reasons and the cycle continues like the jay walker in the Big Book. I'm returning to meetings again because I miss the personal interaction, my spirit needs the physical spiritual interaction in the Fellowship and the disease that centers in my brain and creates all that stinking-thinking desperately needs the Fellowship in order to be ok sober in my little world where life on life's terms happen.

My daily reading of the BB, Daily Reflections and as Bill Sees It completely stopped so I'm back to that again. I set reminders on my tablet to get me back into the habit as my forgetter works overtime at forgetting. My brain is now beginning to know it's time for a reading before the reminders come up. I'm training my braining.... (^^

Prayer and meditation are also returning. I have a nightly routine with my flameless candles and soft instrumental jazz music so my brain can focus. It goes rogue alot!!!

In Spiritual Fellowship,

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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