sober living... - Dorothy (2023/12/7)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ


にとても感謝しています。それは私に本当の目的と、意味を見出すことへの道を示してくれました。これは、私がやるべきことを全てやったとか、全て正しくやったということを言っているわけではありません ... しかし、何年かのシラフの生活を与えられてきたことで ... そうしなければ見逃していたであろうものが、見えるようになりました。

私は今、週末に孫娘たち2人を迎えに行く途中です ... 明日にはもう2人も一緒になります。なんという贈り物でしょう!!!そしてクリスマスには、彼女たちはまた一緒になるのです。彼女たちが私と一緒に過ごすことをワクワクと楽しみにしてくれるたびに、私がどれだけ謙虚な気持ちになるかを、うまく伝えることができません。私は本当に恵まれています... そして、自分の行動が感謝の気持ちを表したものであるように願っています!


Translator : yu

Hi ESH friends,

It's good, as always, to be with you all for another meeting. Thanks so much, Bobbie, for chairing and I pray your health will improve steadily. When I was coming of age and didn't have a real, workable plan for a meaningful life I found various ways to escape from my sad reality. Mostly substances, but toward the end I also started taking bigger risks, because ... who cares, anyway! I knew I'd die at an early age. Well, it's too late for that now! (^^

I am so very grateful for our life-giving program... It has shown me the path to real purpose and meaning. That's not to say I feel I've done everything I can, or everything right... but having been blessed with sober living for a number of years... I can see what I would have missed otherwise.

I'm on my way to pick up 2 of my granddaughters for the weekend.. with the other 2 joining us tomorrow. What a gift!!!!!! And they'll all come again for Christmas. I can't tell you how humbled I am every time they are excited to spend time with me. I am so incredibly blessed... and hopefully my actions reflect my gratitude!

peace & love...

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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