Translator : kj
My first share had to do with my ongoing transformation from what I used to be to what God wants me to be. After thinking about it all week I want to relate what happened on my third evening in the fellowship. It was New Year's Eve and I was taken to an AA party at a member's house. It was memorable for a couple of reasons: First, a member was almost run down by a drunk driver racing down the street in front of the house in front of me and second, there was a very upset fellow who had confided in someone and that someone had shared that personal info with several others. He was devastated. I don't know whether he got drunk over that or not but it obviously made staying sober more difficult for him. For AA to work we all need a safe place to share our stories. Over time, I purposely saved some more personal revelations for individuals I trusted more than the group. Yet today, if everything were to be known about me, I would survive, but seeing that young man that night gave me pause. When you get honest with someone, and we must, make sure it is with someone you can trust. Transparent courageous people are the people who helped me the most, that helped me get more honest. I need to be that trustworthy someone for the people that look up to me.