ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
経験と力と希望」のミーティングは、次のように進められます。チェアパーソンが、 その週のテーマを決めます。グループ内の仲間が、そのテーマについて、分かち合います。 グループ全体への投稿を最小限に抑えるため、個人的なことはグループにでなく、 その人へ直接にお送りくださるようお願いします。
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
経験と力と希望」ミーティングへの投稿は、(東部標準時)日曜日午前0時以降、 いつでも結構です。終わりは、土曜日の午後11時59分までにしてください。
メンバーの方は、ぜひ、毎年のソーバー バースデーを共有してください。 AAに出会う前の人生がどんなふうだったか、そして何が起こって、 いまどうなっているのか、分かち合ってください。
電子マネーでの献金も、よろしくお願いします。 伝統7に基づく献金は、こちらからお送りできます。
Ellen Atkin
2322 Oakwood Drive
Lakeside, AZ 85929
毎月のビジネスミーティングへの参加は、次のところからリストに登録してください。 http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh-business でビジネス リストに参加してください。
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
を歓迎しています。 私たちのウェブサイトを紹介してあげてください。http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh
(仮のものでも)リスト係 パム・Sへ、 ご連絡ください(pamelas8246@gmail.com)。彼女がボランティアのリストをお送りします。パムはまた、
「父親は何年もの間、趣味のクラブ、市民の義務、スポーツなどといった、ふつうの活動から遠ざかっているだろう。父親がこうしたことへの興味を復活させると、家族はねたみを感じるかもしれない。家族はまるで父親を、外部の人間には一切手をつけられないほどの巨額のローンの抵当に取っているように感じている ... 新しい生き方の中で、家族もそのために実際に役立つことをしたいのであれば、夫婦はまず、お互いにいろいろな場面で譲り合わなくてはならないという事実に、率直に向き合わなくてはならない。父親はたしかに、他のアルコホーリクと一緒に時間を過ごすことが多くなるだろうが、しかしこの活動にはバランスを取るべきだ」(日本語版 p191)
「A New Pair of Glasses (新しいメガネ)」という著作でチャックCが述べた、幸せな結婚の秘訣も私を困らせました。彼は結婚は五分五分ではなく、アルコホーリクが「無条件で与える」ことが必要だと強調しました。これは、私が常に罪を償わなければならないと感じさせ、そして妻が非常に多くを犠牲にしてきたので、私は彼女が望むことをする必要があるという感情につながりました。そして、彼女は本当に多くを犠牲にしてきたのです。私はそれを認識しており、私の仕事と回復が彼女にとって非常に重い負担になっていることをとても申し訳なく思っています。
の質は、これらの事柄に基づいて長年にわたって苦しいものでありましたが、飲酒に戻ったことはありませんでした。私は、上記の読み物(A New Pair of Glasses - 新しいメガネ)が示唆するように、自分の人生において満足のいく方法で、AAのバランスをとることができませんでした。私は、これらの年月にわたってその分野で行った(自分の)選択に絶対的に責任があります。妻は責められるべきではありません、その選択は私自身のものでした。
しかし今は私は、その本に書かれている「バランス」を見つけることに集中しています。私は、週に3回のミーティングが「バランスが取れている」だろうと決めました ー 金曜の早い夕方、土曜日と日曜日の早朝です。平日の夜は家にいることで、彼女の希望を尊重しようとしています。熱心に祈り、神の御心を知り、それを実行する力を求めています。これは、私がこれまでに工夫できた最良の妥協です。時間とともに変化し発展するかもしれません。
Sober Date 1996/12/15
Translator : yu
The structure of an ESH meeting is that the chairperson selects a topic for the week and anyone in the group has the option to share on that topic. In order to keep the postings to a minimum for the entire group, we suggest that personal messages be sent directly to that person and not via the Group.
Comments should be closely related to recovery from alcoholism. "The ESH meeting will begin no earlier than Sunday morninganytime after midnight EST and members are requested to post their shares no later than the following Saturday night at 11:59 PM EST."
All members are encouraged to share their A.A. anniversary on their annual sobriety date. Tell the group what your life was like before AA, what happened, and what it's like today.
Also, please remember the cyber basket. Here is where you can mail your 7th Tradition Contributions:
Make all checks payable to:
Ellen Atkin
2322 Oakwood Drive
Lakeside, AZ 85929
PayPal contributions may be made to:
Please consider joining us at our monthly business meeting by signing up to join the Business List at http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh-business .
ESH is always open to new members. Please refer potential new people to our website at :http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh .
If you're looking for a sponsor/someone willing to get you started (temporary or otherwise) please contact our Sponsorship List Keeper, Pam S, (pamelas8246@gmail.com) and she will gladly send a list of willing volunteers to you. Pam can also provide you with the names of service sponsors. These individuals have made themselves available to anyone who has questions about anything regarding service work, whether they currently hold positions or merely want to learn more.
Hello. My name is Ted and I'm an alcoholic. Thank you Suanne for the opportunity to kick off the meeting this week!
I was reading the Big Book chapter "The Family Afterward" recently, and I realized that even though my wife and son never experienced my drinking, so much of this chapter reflects my experience with family life.
There were many passages that stood out for me, but I'll center on this one here:
*"Father may have laid aside for years all normal activities—clubs, civic duties, sports. When he renews interest in such things, a feeling of jealousy may arise. The family may feel they hold a mortgage on dad, so big that no equity should be left for outsiders... At the very beginning, the couple ought to frankly face the fact that each will have to yield here and there if the family is going to play an effective part in the new life. Father will necessarily spend much time with other alcoholics, but this activity should be balanced."*
My participation in AA meetings has been a sore spot in my marriage for many years, and it really does feel like the "jealousy" and "mortgage" aspects cited above ring true for me. And any talk of "meetings before the meeting" or "meetings after the meeting" has been even more of a source of conflict.
For many years, I acquiesced to my wife's desires, often feeling like even one face-to-face meeting per week was asking too much of her. It must be my job to "make my wife happy" by doing what she demanded. Combined with a job that moves me to a different country every 2-3 years (another fault I am responsible for in my wife's eyes, and all the more reason to acquiesce to her demands to stay at home), there has been much misery for all concerned.
Chuck C's recipe for a happy marriage from "A New Pair of Glasses" also had me in a corner -- he said a marriage is not fifty-fifty, but stressed that the alcoholic needed to give "a thousand to nothing." This played into my feeling that I need to constantly atone, and do what my wife wanted because she has sacrificed so much. And she has, absolutely. I recognize that and I am very sorry that my work and recovery have been such a heavy burden for her.
The quality of my sobriety has suffered for many years based on these trends, although I have never returned to drinking. I was never able to balance AA into my life in a way that was satisfying to my spouse, as the reading above suggests. I am absolutely responsible for the choices I have made in that area over the years. She is not to blame, the choices were mine.
But now I am now concentrating on finding the "balance" the reading speaks of. I have decided that three meetings per week is "balanced" -- Friday early evening, and early mornings on Saturday and Sunday. I am attempting to respect her wishes by remaining at home on weeknights. Praying intensely for the knowledge of God's will and the power to carry it out, this is the best compromise I've been able to work out so far. It may change and develop with time.
But it is not a happy compromise, yet. There is much tension, one last return to therapy is in the works, and we are standing in front of some important decisions about the future of our marriage. Any divorce would be international, with one of us living with our son in one country and the other living an intercontinental flight away. That's why I haven't ended the marriage yet, and I believe her feelings are similar.
Anyway, I have no inspiring message about any of this stuff. No happy outcome. I'm just trudging the road of what feels like happier destiny, and newly embracing a willingness to let God do what he thinks best for our marriage, for me, my wife and my son.
For this week's topic, I propose experience, strength and hope related to The Family Afterward.
Ted F.