ESH - on topic - the family afterward - let go of my plan - Susan (2024/3/16)  [Home]
トピック - 家族、その後 - 自分の計画を手放して




私は単に酔っ払って、アルコホーリクの思考で狂っていただけでなく、アルコホーリクの動物園に生まれ、共依存の女王の元に育ちました。私の狂気には1つ以上の病気が含まれます。主な症状は盲目でした ー あなたや私、あらゆる種類の現実が目に入らずに、頭の中の幻想に基づいてばかげた決定や選択をしました。それには家族関係(及びあらゆる関係)が修復でき、実際には自分一人しかいない結婚を成立させることができると考え、家族をまとめることができるといった考えも含まれました。そして、誰もが私の指示に従うなら、みんなが幸せに暮らせると考えていました。







Translator : yu

Happy Sober Day, all:

Grateful alcoholic today, living the life given me.

Thank you, Ted, for your service and starting us off.

I was not only drunk and insane with alcoholic thinking but born into an alcoholic zoo to the Queen of codependency. My insanity includes more than one disease. The major symptom was blindness - couldn't see you or me or reality of any kind, and made ridiculous decisions and choices based on the fantasies in my head, including I could fix my family (and all relationships), I could make a marriage with only me actually in it, I could keep and hold the family together, and, if everyone followed my lead, we could all live happily ever after.

Then I got sober. What do you know - I wasn't in charge of anyone else!!! What a surprise. That took a while to sink in but, with frequent painful reminders, I slowly discovered my sisters and brothers would be whoever they are, not my projection of who they should be. More slowly, I began to see that not everything was my responsibility or fault in what I thought was a marriage, and very slowly asserted myself as an equal person with a life, like taking care of myself by going to meetings. The father of my children hated this, and accused me of being in a cult.

My family of origin acted angry at me, and resented most or all of what I did or didn't do. [Without saying anything, my step into recovery probably disturbed the tall wall of denial built around them.] In retrospect, getting sober and becoming true to myself - beginning to act as an equal human among humans upset many people around me. I read somewhere that being true to oneself will lead to defying the crowd.

Fast forward, many years practicing the principles of the 12 steps, learning to love, including myself as an equal human, instead of a doormat with an ego (one of the expert skills of youth), I'm divorced and none of my siblings will talk to me. My mother, however, did begin to call me regularly, and even began telling me she loved me (never said that until I was in my forties - and sober), until she died. My children invite me into their lives, and tell me they have been inspired by observing my struggles and journey into sobriety and a much healthier state of mind.

I have no "normal" family life, no address of more than a few months, no country (as I crossed the ocean to be close to my kids), no obvious future home or position or the "normal" ideas of security. I have gratitude, love, joy, peace and a life (precarious to some) beyond my wildest dreams.

You all, my sponsor, my sponsees, my Welsh AA friends of the last couple of months and the smiling faces that greet me on the streets of a town I never heard of, until a few months ago, are my family after.

Grateful and more grateful, susan

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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