ESH topic The Family Afterwards - Nancy (2024/3/16)  [Home]
トピック - 家族、その後











Nancy Show

Translator : hr

I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.

I grew up with a alcoholic mother and a father who drank "appropriately." Mother pretty much controlled her intake, but even as a young kid I noticed. Other moms would have A drink visiting on the lawn waiting for husbands to come home, then stop. Mine just kept going. So you see, I had an example to follow! (So you see, I had an example to follow! drinking age was 18, and if you could reach up and put your money on the counter, they'd serve you.)

When I got married, we drank. My first-husband was pretty casual about drinking but never critical about mine...probably because I hid it well! After about 5 years and pregnant with our first child, I quit because I was afraid the alcohol would damage that squirming lump in my stomach. I didn't have the same fear with kid #2 and drank "occasionally" - like normal people do all the time. Then...much more!

About 18 years later, I found AA. I mostly attended noon meetings because I could get off work. Also because when I went to night meetings, my ex would take the kids out to do something fun! We never did fun stuff with them together. My kids were about 7 and 9 at the time and and I openly told them where I was going and why.

After about 6 months, my ex decided he wanted a divorce. He didn't like the new Nancy. I hadn't noticed the change, but I guess he did. It was a tough divorce process and the kids and I struggled financially for years. (Oh, yeah, did I mentioned he immediately got married to his woman "friend" that we'd often entertained at our house with her husband?)

It was tough on the kids, but we made it! I stayed sober. They had some kind of relationship with their dad, for a while.

Since they reached legal drinking age, they have always been respectful of my sobriety. I don't think either is alcoholic, but I know one likes her wine! My oldest granddaughter knows I'm in AA because she found the stack of medallions in my jewelry box when she was younger.

Ten years into sobriety, I married my current husband. He drinks, but not in the house and not excessively. His brother was the founder of one of the local AA groups, so current husband understands and supports my program.

My life is incredibly good. I found peace, serenity, and I am full of gratitude. AA saved and enriched my life. If I wasn't sober, I wouldn't be trusted to be with my grandkids. They are a treasure. I appreciate the respect afforded me because of my sobriety by my family.

(OK, everything is not all hunky-dory and there are normal family and life problems, but it's sure better than it could have been!)

Thanks for letting me share.
Nancy Shaw

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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