あなたと同じ頃、私が AA に初めて参加したとき、キッツァ、
私の意志対神の意志というこの問題は、私対神の意志という固有の二元論のため、ステップワークを行うに私にとって行き詰まりました。そして、この分裂は、一部の人が神意識と呼ぶものについての私の経験と噛み合いませんでした。それは、私が自分に夢中になっていないとき、奉仕しているとき、自分が仕事をしているとき、「意識的な接触」をしたときに経験します。 「流れの中で」、犬の散歩をしたり、自然を楽しんだり、興味深い人々と一緒に過ごしたり…。そうすれば、「私」と「神」の間に分離は存在しません。非常に傲慢に聞こえるかもしれませんが、つかの間の思考以外に分離は見つかりません。
神の意志か私の意志かという話なので、問題は次のとおりです。神はすべてであり、すべてであり、愛であるなどと考えられています。 そして本質的には私もそうなのです…全知全能ではありませんが、ただ愛と思いやりに満ちています。気が狂っていると言われるかもしれませんが、少なくとも私の本では、彼らの核心では誰もが、そしてすべてがそうだと思います。ですから、人々が「神が何なのか分からないが、それは私ではない」と言いますが、それは私の経験ではありません。別れを探さない限り、別れは見つかりません。
85 ページ (日本語版 121ページ) で説明されているステップ 10 までに、私たちは酔いを覚まし、掃除をし、成長した後、霊的な目覚めの領域に入ります。そして私たちは、自分たちが「あたかも中立の立場、つまり安全で保護されているような立場に置かれているかのように」感じているのです。それは私も共感できます。
Translator : ts
I’m Mark and I’m alcoholic. I drank because I’m alcoholic and now I don’t drink because I’m alcoholic. What a relief to know I don’t have to drink; before I thought it was a prerequisite.
Thank you for your topic of my will versus God’s will, Kitza. I hesitate to share how about this topic because I’m not sure how to express myself and I worry that it may sound heretical. But I’m told the only requirement for membership is a desire not to drink alcohol, which I definitely have, so here we go.
When I first came into AA around the same time you did, Kitza, I devoured the Big Book, got a sponsor, did a first pass at the steps, did service at meetings, sponsored…. (And I’ve recently reconnected with someone I sponsored 36 years ago; he stayed sober, but I needed to conduct more field research).
This question of my will versus God’s will became a sticking point for me during my field research because of the inherent dualism on it— me vs. God. And this schism didn’t mesh with my experience of what some call God-consciousness, which I experience when I have “conscious contact” which happens when I’m not self absorbed, when I’m being of service, when I’m “in the flow”, walking the dogs, enjoying nature or being with interesting people…. Then there’s no separation between “me” and “God”— which maybe sounds really arrogant, but I don’t find a separation other than in fleeting thoughts.
Here’s the thing, since the topic if God’s wlll vs. my will: God’s supposed to be all and everything, all Loving, and so forth. And in my essence I am that, too…Not all knowing or omnipotent, but simply full of love and compassion. Call me crazy, but in their core I think everyone and everything is, at least in my book. So when people say “I don’t know what God is but it’s not me”, that’s not my experience. I don’t find separation unless I look for one.
Part of the problem of course is the words we use: God- “Him who has all power and knowledge”— still conjures in my mind an old man up in the clouds—- sorry but the old Catholic images are deeply rooted. On the flip side, here I am, a mere mortal down here on Earth, a walking, talking bundle of thoughts and character defects. But isn’t God down here, too?
My issue, I guess, is my idea of God isn’t the all knowing, all powerful Creator with a master plan. Obviously that does work for lots of folks, but it’s not me. But I can get behind Universal Consciousness that is all love and compassion.
As for me, sure there is an ego entity known as Mark that surfaces from time to time and is alcoholic. And, yes, he can be self centered and self seeking at times like most ego entities who are not saints. But Mark’s also just a name, an identity, a story. All of that comes in handy for going through life, but all of that is sort of a placeholder. Not who I truly am…. Or at least not only who I am.
As for the debate on what is God’s will and what I my will, my default is that it’s all God’s will. When I’m not driven by ego and in the flow, so to speak, then I know how to handle situations that used to baffle me, and with that comes a new freedom and a new happiness. And also it’s an huge relief: letting go, turning it over. Maybe that’s part of what this spiritual awakening business includes.
Again, apologies if that sounds daft or haughty but for me, the dueling duality, the fighting (mostly me as a little ego versus Almighty God), was a major part of my malady. But I didn’t know any better. And the steps do help— making a decision to not rely on my ego and alcohol as my higher power, the 6th and 7th steps to be willing to let go of my old idea of who I am, cleaning up the wreckage as best I can.
By step 10, which page 85 discusses, we are getting into spiritual awakening territory after sobering up, cleaning up and growing up…. And we find ourselves “as if we’d been put in a position of neutrality- safe and protected.” That I can relate to as well.
But we can’t rest on our laurels: it is indeed a daily reprieve, at least for this alcoholic.
Anyhow, thanks again for the topic and thank you all for helping me stay sober and letting me express my experience with God-consciousness.
Marcigny, France