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Sober Date 2003年1月21日

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. Very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Congratulations on your 42 years, Pam! Each day one of us is sober... a miracle, for sure.

When I was at that jumping off place and didn't know how I was going to be able to not drink for the rest of my life... the AA mantra of One Day At A Time rang very loudly. Today, I now know that was God getting my attention. He knew that I needed the spiritual principles of the AA program to not only learn how to live life without drinking, but He also knew that I needed the AA program to reconnect with Him as my Creator and Higher Power.

I have not had any angst over whether to take a drink, or not, since that day. Thoughts? Sure. In a in-one-side-of-my-head-and-out-the-other kind of way. Especially after the brain tumor was removed and the depression went away... oh!... maybe, THAT was the problem and why I drank! sheeesh. I don't remember that thought lasting more than a split second. Kinda like trying to convince myself that I'm six feet tall and gorgeous... the reality being, I'm five foot two and plain. Move on. Lol. I've had a few drinking dreams over the years, but not for a very long time. They scared the hell outta me. Pick up phone, call sponsor.

Most days, I don't even think about drinking or not drinking. Hubs has bottles of something in the cupboard, but I am hardly aware of them unless I'm trying to find something in that same cupboard. When I do run across them, I typically respond with a 'huh' in my head, faintly recalling a previous life. The spiritual principles of AA have become a way of life for me today and that alone takes the place of any further thought surrounding those bottles. I am reminded daily to be humble and to be grateful for my sobriety... that it is only by the grace of God that He has placed me in that position of neutrality regarding alcohol. And, I keep trudging, one day at a time.

Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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