Sobriety Gains and Leave Behinds - Dominic (2023/5/28)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
Nancy 今週の司会とトピック、そしてAAのお手本をありがとう。今週、記念日を迎える仲間おめでとう!
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
という手段を通して、私を目覚めさせ、どんなことがあっても、自分の人生を大切にするように私を変えてくれました。 今日では神を中心に置くことと信仰によって、より良い価値観の尺度が増え、霊的な目が開かれたことで、より良い決断をするための明晰さと識別力が備わりました。トピックの質問についてですが、私は自分の想像をはるかに超える人生を手に入れ、より良い次元の存在へとロケットを打ち上げました。私はこのところ、これまで知らなかったほど大きな自由と愛する力を持った、今日一日を体験しています。Cheers & Blessings,Dominic D.04.02.2001
Translator : yu

Good Afternoon ESH! Thanks Nancy for Chairing this week and for your topic and AA example. Congratulations to anyone celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!! Topic: “What you have gained from AA and sobriety, and what you have now that you wouldn't have had if you kept drinking?” Dominic recovered alcoholic. I used to live my life allowing life to happen to me. Alcohol helped me to cope with my life whenever good or bad things happened to me. Circumstances, feelings, and emotions ran my life as a self-inflicted God starved drunkard. I didn’t know any different. Then, God, through the vehicle of AA’s 12 Steps, Fellowship, and Sobriety awakened and transformed me into stewarding my life regardless of what in life comes my way. Today, increased measures of God-centeredness, faith, better values, and having my spiritual eyes opened has equipped me with clarity and discernment to make better decisions. As for the topic question, I have gained a life well beyond my wildest dreams and have been rocketed into a better dimension of existence. I experience greater measures of freedom and capacity to love than I have ever known, one-day-at-a-time these days. Cheers & Blessings, Dominic D. 04.02.2001

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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