Re: ESH meeting Oct 1, 2023. New Topic - Nancy (2023/10/2)  [Home]
Re: 10月1日の新トピック




ルイジアナ州南西部では干ばつに見舞われており、私たちは個人経営の小さな牧場で暮らしています。私は、50年以上も牧場を経営している夫に対して、牛たちがこの冬に食べる干し草を確保するために、夫がすべきことを教えたがる傾向があります。もちろん!私は自分が何を言っているのかわかっています。つまり、私はニューオリンズで育ったから ... 私はまるで(ニューオリンズ名物の)マルディグラのパレードで牛を先導しているようなものなのです。何度も謝っては、また同じ間違いをするのです!今の目標は、ミスを犯す前に、ミスを犯しそうな自分に気づけるようになることです。舌を噛むとか、歯を食いしばるとか、どんなやり方でも良いので、何かをぶちまけたりしないようにするのです。心の中で「私の問題ではない、私の問題ではない、私の問題ではない ... 」と唱えています。私は




Translator : yu

I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.

I'm pretty good at admitting to myself that I made a mistake. It's another story when it comes to setting it right! After all, my ego hates to admit I can mess up anything.

But, I'm learning. My biggest mistakes these days are what comes out of my mouth. I ALWAYS know best. Most of the time I think that whatever I say will help the other person. I am not intentionally trying to hurt someone. For instance, a lady in my chair yoga class (don't laugh, I'm old) wasn't stretching the way the instructor told us. In my bossy way, I gave her my personal wisdom. It turns out she'd recently had shoulder surgery. I apologized and thankfully, she wasn't offended by it.

We're having a drought here in southwest Louisiana where we live on a small one-man operation cattle ranch. I have the tendency to tell my husband, who's been doing this for 50+ years, what he needs to do so the cows have hay to eat this winter. Of course I know what I'm talking about! I mean, I grew up in New as if we had cows leading the Mardi Gras parades. I've apologized numerous times, then make the same mistake again! My current goal is to try to recognize I'm about to make a mistake before I do it. I've been working on biting my tongue, clenching my teeth, whatever keeps me from blurting something out. My internal chant has become "not my problem, not my problem, not my problem." I look for help from my HP. I NEED my HP's Serenity and often say the prayer to myself.

All this is, of course, minor compared to my drinking days and the hurt I caused then. I often realize how very messed up my life would be if not for the program of AA, for my very understanding sponsor, and for all y'all that have read this far down my share!

I am eternally grateful for the life I live today, because I was led to sobriety and shown the way by other alcoholics.

Thanks for letting me share.
Nancy Shaw

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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