On Topic - Step 10 - Heather (2023/10/3)  [Home]





ステップ 10 を使って、不良在庫が無いことを、継続的にチェックします。不良在庫があると、霊性が乾燥腐敗してしまい、平安が失われてアルコホーリクを暴走させ、すべての物・人を壊してしまいます。

ヘザー B
2018/7/27 (Date of Sober)

Translator : mk

Hello All,

I'm Heather an alcoholic. Thank you Tony for your service to the group and topic lead.

Step 10:
I have 2 perspectives on Step 10. The first perspective is my stinking-thinking = repent and confess, which makes me feel like I'm supposed to sit down with the Pope and start my self-flagellation. This perspective makes me recoil from these particular kinds of Steps like I've touched poison or fire. This type of thinking is my alcoholic disease that is centered in my brain and working overtime.

My second perspective comes from the Big Book and it calms my that stinking-thinking and inspires me to go forth in my sobriety and learn and grow. In previous Inventory Steps, I purged the bad product from the shelves of my store, cleaned up my spiritual place, got all the cobwebs out and made sure that Light could get to the dark corners of my mind so nothing can stay hidden to rot the foundation of my sobriety. I did all that work to make room for good inventory that will feed my mind and spirit to help me get sober, stay sober, live sober.

Step 10 is a continuous inventory check to make sure there is no bad inventory that could produce dry rot in my spirituality and allow dis-ease to inspire my alcoholic disease to go rogue and destroy everything and everyone. I love my sobriety and want to keep it so I must be willing to live Step 10.

In Spiritual Fellowship,
Heather B

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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