ESH-share on topic - Louise (2023/10/6)  [Home]





Translator : kj

Thank you, Tony, for chairing this week and for being such a good friend.

My name is Louise, recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety date is June 30, 1972

The best lesson I ever learned about Step 10, was from my #3 grandson who was 5 years old at the time. His grandpa Fred had died and he had questions about death and where our souls went afterwards. We talked about heaven and hell and how anyone ends up in either place. About choices one makes along the way and how we decide to be a good person or not...then this innocent boy asked me why would anyone choose to be bad and therefore not go to heaven? I told him that I did not know...a little further down our walk, he pulled at my skirt and was very excited: "I know why he said: they would have to say they were wrong!"

Peace, love, and gratitude from Texas!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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