Step 10 - "Continue" - Dominic (2023/10/6)  [Home]






第 10 ステップの自分自身の棚卸しは、私にとって、恨みや恐れの棚卸しと同じく、生きるためにとても大切なことです。私の場合、紙に実際に書いて、チャックリストそ使っています。頭の中で、棚卸しをするより、ずっと効果的なことが分かりました。自分の習慣・行動・思考の良いパターンとあまり良くないパターンとを、この棚卸しのおかげで見分けることができます。【私の意志】性格の欠点の現れ・考え方・感情・恐れを、棚卸し表の左側と中央に書きます。そして、右側に、【神の御心】良い行い・習慣・進歩を書きます。この棚卸しをすることで、問題を迅速に解決することができます。「今日一日」という生き方ができます。自分のことに責任を持てます。神の御心にかなった行動をおこなう訓練ができます。棚卸しを実践することで、霊的な成長・進歩ができ、面倒なことが起こったときに片づけることができます。完璧というものはありません。非常に難しいということでもありません。必要なのは、粘り強さ・厳格な誠実さ・前向きな姿勢だけです。



ドミニク D




Translator : mk

Good Afternoon ESH!

Thanks Tony for chairing this week, and for your lead share and topic! Congratulations to anyone else celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: The Twelve and Twelve advises that this step is "heavy because a great many of us have never really acquired the habit of accurate self appraisal". Please share your experience of this step, and instances where your sponsors' guidance was required.

Dominic recovered alcoholic. Often when folks relapse I’ve heard in meetings for years now that the most common reason is that the person stopped going to meetings. My observation and conclusion from attending AA meetings and working with others is that it is likely that before an AAer with recovery stops going to meetings, they long before stopped doing a 10th step inventory consistently. I’ve seen folks attend meetings daily and relapse. At least so far, I’ve not seen someone who has worked all 12 steps and “continues to take personal inventory” relapse.

Why? I believe because as Tony stated it takes discipline to take an honest personal inventory and promptly admit when we are wrong as a 10th step amends. Taking a personal inventory regularly is as much of a spiritual discipline as praying or quiet time with God. Our BB informs us that these things--personal inventory and quiet time with God--are intertwined. Therefore, if we do one without the other, we are short-shrifting ourselves on the spiritual lane.

For me, the 10th step personal inventory is an invaluable life skill just as resentment and fear inventories are. For me, I use a checklist, putting pen to paper, which I have found is far more effective than taking this inventory in my head. This helps me to identify good and not so good patterns of my behavior, actions, and thoughts. I inventory character defect manifestations, my thought-life, emotions, & fears (my will) on the left side and middle of the inventory form. On the right side, I inventory my good actions, behaviors, and progress (God’s Will alignment). This inventory enables me to keep my accounts short, to live one day at a time, to take responsibility and develop discipline on the things I ought to be doing from God’s perspective, and this practice drives spiritual growth, progress, and the messes I need to clean up when they occur. There is no perfection, there is no performance, there is only consistency, rigorous honesty, and progress.

When I was dating my wife, she asked if she could look at the folded piece of paper I’ve always carried in my pocket. She knew it was my 10th step inventory form and she asked if she could try it. That was over 7 years ago. Ever since then, we both do one 10th step inventory each week that we share with each other every Sunday night. There are no words to describe what a powerful marriage tool this has been. It has fostered increased real discussions, eliminates pretense and secrets, and in so many ways has been a blessing to our marriage and spiritual growth together. I joke with Patty often about our inventory practice, in that nothing, absolutely nothing gets by her!

Consistency and rigorous honesty matter.

Dominic D.


Thanks tony for getting started this week. I usually use the acronym THINK. If I've been thoughtful, honest, done things intelligently and only said things when it was necessary and utmost. Was I kind during the day then? I usually am doing pretty good but when I have those slips. I need to do a Mini inventory on myself and see what's going on with me. For example today was an absurd day. First, the guys that came to clean my vents had the wrong size machine and had to go back. Then I found out an appointment that took a year to get was canceled. And that was 40 more minutes on the phone. Then I checked to see why my mortgage wasn't withdrawn. And somehow my account information didn't go through. Because I had a change which I put in another hour on the phone. Almost but not last. I go upstairs to see how the vent cleaning is going. And their machine was broken. So after hours I had to reschedule the appointment. Then I pick up a bag of rice cakes upside down and they go all over. And last I hope I called to schedule an ultrasound of my liver and the orders weren't put in. I was o k until the mortgage problem and then I started getting pissed. I did stop and pray throughout tbut. I had to make amends to the mortgage guy.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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